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so choice

something awesome beyond all reason

Those hot pink pumps are SO choice!

by courtneyyl March 13, 2006

26๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

pro choice

the intelligent side of the abortion debate that believes coat hangers should not be used as medical tools.

she is supporting abortion rights in Ukraine, that makes her pro choice

by Angel definitions March 10, 2019

61๐Ÿ‘ 5352๐Ÿ‘Ž

cousin choice

A decision or action with equal amounts of positive and negative implications. Potentially more negative implications than good, just like the ramifications of having sex with your cousin.

"It was a tough cousin choice to accept the job offer, the money is good but lousy hours.

by Seymour_Buttz September 1, 2007

10๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


adj. probably the easiest and the most convenient political belief to support since you don't have to be pro-choice to be pro-choice; perhaps it's even oxymoronic.

Aside from supporting legality of abortion, pro-choice also supports birth control, family planning, real sex education, and right to enjoy your sex life. All contribute to fewer number of unwanted pregnancies and happier families, but (not) ironically, pro-life does not support any of this. In fact, no pro-life organization in United States endorse birth control.

Contrary to pro-life lies, abortion is one of the safest surgical procedures EVER, and there's no such thing as post-abortion syndrome. In fact women felt good after having an abortion, and adoption is actually the factor that causes the symptoms of those so-called post-abortion syndrome.

If pro-lifers are so pro-life, why would they slaughter eight doctors? They say abortion kills future doctors and scientists. Well masturbation does the same thing, so this must mean that masturbating should be illegal. Same goes for women having periods. Periods make women cranky anyways.

Pro-choice's belief summed up to one phrase: "Right to pursue life, liberty, and happiness"

Avoid sites like www.prochoice.com and abortionfacts.com; their sites contain false information. Also opt for Planned Parenthood instead of pregnancy crisis centers, who also gives false, misleading facts. Pro-choice organizations are dedicated to preventing unwanted pregnancies and protecting women's lives.

by Kenny McCor July 8, 2006

247๐Ÿ‘ 19458๐Ÿ‘Ž

Axiom of Choice

The best axiom in all of mathematics. The Axiom states: The infinite Cartesian Product of non empty sets is non-empty.

I used the Axiom of Choice to Prove the Banach-Tarski Paradox last night.

by Vincent Guingona October 14, 2004

22๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


An ideal followed and believed by those who are intelligent and open minded enough to realize that, although abortion is not glamorous or favored by all, it is something that will happen whether it is legal or not.

In the times before legalized abortions, tons of women died trying to abort their children themselves or by going to unclean and unprofessional doctors to do the job.

Whether abortion is legal or not, women will still try to get rid of their babies if they wish to abort.

Now, if you really are "pro-life", then what about all of those mothers that bled to death or died by infection caused by trying to abort their unwanted children on their own? What about all of the women that it would happen to if abortion were to be illegalized again? Those lifes are just as important, are they not? Where's the "pro-life" there?

Many "pro-lifers" accuse "pro-choicers" of actually being anti-life or pro-abortion. Never in my life have I ever met a person who claimed to be pro-choice, but in reality was pro-abortion. No one thinks "Hrm, I think aborting unwanted children is a good idea."

Some just realize that it will happen, their are instances where it makes sense, and whether it does make sense or not, a woman should have the right to chose what she wants to do.

Pro-lifer: "Abortions should be illegal because I'm too stubborn, pig headed, and caught up in my own religious agenda to think logically about it and make a realistic decision on the subject."

Pro-choicer: "Women should have the right to chose whether they carry a baby to term, because it is her body, and no one else should be allowed to tell someone how to run your body and make your own choices."

by Lacey C. M. November 6, 2007

136๐Ÿ‘ 13267๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person who claims to be pro-life despite the fact that they disregard other forms of terminating as being ok.
Anti-choice supporters are ok with such forms murder such as War and Capital Punishment.

"There to many anti-choice supporters pretending to be pro-life" Bob said with disgust.

by ????^_^???? November 5, 2006

309๐Ÿ‘ 18292๐Ÿ‘Ž