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Click Clacks


She was slobbin' all on the click clacks.

by dawnduhduh October 17, 2008

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clackity clack

to type or more specifically to send someone an email.

I'll clackity clack you the details later on.

by bdunn August 26, 2006

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a type of house music that is loaded with terrible vocals;

a house music beat that poof-clack can be inserted into the one & two

I can't stand this god awful poof-clack they're playing tonight.

by effinbeesh May 12, 2010

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meaty clacks

meaty clacks

A big set of testicles

Origin: Clackistan, 2015

Owen Dinicola: Bruh you see the set of meaty clacks on Timmy Farge?
Jack Rodgers: Ya but they're nothing compared to the set on Trey Brown.
Shoutout Mrs. Kirshembaum

by jjlee168 November 13, 2017

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Said upon spotting a chick with "bomb-ass pooty tang." Nearby friends must respond either "Mamba Jamba," if they are in agreeance, or simply, "No."

Dude, sha-clack?
Mamba Jamba!

by nevy, devy, and pevy September 14, 2006

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clickitty clack

Jacking off.

Guy1: What are you doing with that magazine?
Guy2: About to go clickitty clack.

by maxell123 February 17, 2011

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1. A computer keyboard
2. The sound a keyboard makes

1. Dude ur clickity-clack is noob
2. man i hate the clickity-clack noise a clickity-clack makes

by Aryk December 20, 2006

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