Source Code

google clever

The ability to answer all questions having consulted Google.

P - What does this mean?
D - <blah blah blah>
P - Wow, you're so Google Clever!

by dms787878 November 19, 2013

Steaming Clever

"A NEW TWIST ON THAT OLD FAVORITE; THE CLEVELAND STEAMER". During coitus, when u finger your own ass hole(and get that finger dirty fr) and then fishhook her

"I was fuckin her from behind and she said "fish hook me" and I gave er a steaming clever"-brah #1
"SHE DID!"-brah #1
"Doesnt surprise me actually, I had heard she was into that"-brah #2

by 710ASSCONNOISSEURslm+thck4life June 9, 2018


When you try to be clever but it backfires and causes a lot of chaos on misery.

The other day I was on Urban Dictionary and caught a severe case of Cleveritis and now I feel poopy and stupid.

by Worstmomever September 9, 2018

Clever Little Suasage

When someone discovers or invents something amazing usually used in a cheeky, slightly derogatory way with a small twinge of jealousy

So you've just invented time travel. Well done you Clever Little Suasage

by mylilbitchboy October 5, 2020

Clever cracker

Person who cuts through the jargon to get to the crux of the message; a Bullshit Detector

"There's no use trying to 'blag it' when you speak to her, she'll see right through what you say - she's a real clever cracker"

by Claudette184 August 3, 2013

Clever Missouri

Clever missouri: A hick filled town where you go to...clear your thots.

Carl: Stan just went to clever to clear his thots. Sure hope he is vaccinated!

Joe: yeah those thots out there are definitely infected!
Clever Missouri place full of bad thots

by Eatme2 May 16, 2020


A singular piece of citrus fruit

Can I have a clever of ur orange

by Button rider March 19, 2021