The ability to answer all questions having consulted Google.
P - What does this mean?
D - <blah blah blah>
P - Wow, you're so Google Clever!
"A NEW TWIST ON THAT OLD FAVORITE; THE CLEVELAND STEAMER". During coitus, when u finger your own ass hole(and get that finger dirty fr) and then fishhook her
"I was fuckin her from behind and she said "fish hook me" and I gave er a steaming clever"-brah #1
"SHE DID!"-brah #1
"Doesnt surprise me actually, I had heard she was into that"-brah #2
When you try to be clever but it backfires and causes a lot of chaos on misery.
The other day I was on Urban Dictionary and caught a severe case of Cleveritis and now I feel poopy and stupid.
When someone discovers or invents something amazing usually used in a cheeky, slightly derogatory way with a small twinge of jealousy
So you've just invented time travel. Well done you Clever Little Suasage
Person who cuts through the jargon to get to the crux of the message; a Bullshit Detector
"There's no use trying to 'blag it' when you speak to her, she'll see right through what you say - she's a real clever cracker"
Clever missouri: A hick filled town where you go to...clear your thots.
Carl: Stan just went to clever to clear his thots. Sure hope he is vaccinated!
Joe: yeah those thots out there are definitely infected!
Clever Missouri place full of bad thots
A singular piece of citrus fruit
Can I have a clever of ur orange