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Jumbo Cluster Fuck

The metamorphic transition of a cluster fuck, going beyond your wildest expectations. An event you knew was going to be bad, but exceeded everything you envisioned this cluster fuck to be in epic proportions.

"After wrestling for an hour with Lurch's virus-laden computer for the fifth time this month, I quickly realized this was turning into a jumbo cluster fuck."

by Fiftyslam February 19, 2010

Mongolian Cluster Fuck

This is of apparent military derivation, American usage: a situation that is so balled up it is beyond description.

The recruits were given the command "To the Rear, March." Half of them kept going, a few went to the rear, and the rest just stood there.

by J. Bethancourt September 14, 2003

187๐Ÿ‘ 66๐Ÿ‘Ž

Colonel Cluster Fuck

''Colonel Cluster Fuck'' is a name given to ex-president George W Bush by YouTuber; The Tourettes Guy.

''What are your opinions on George W. Bush? ''You mean Colonel Cluster Fuck''

by meeme master November 5, 2017

cluster fuck

Situation in an fps (such as Halo 3) when one player gets attacked and slaughtered by 3+ players from another team at the same time

Jelly Means: Shit! Get over here man, four guys are attacking me!
Seb: Oh crap! You're getting cluster fucked!
Jelly Means: Fuck I died...

by Seb R. February 18, 2008

2๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

colonel cluster fucks

nickname for the students who go to colonel by secondary school.

Student 1: Hey, colonel cluster fucks!!!

Students 2,3,4,5,6: SHUT UP!! We're not colonel cluster fucks just because we go to colonel by!

Student 1: Yes it does...colonel cluster fucks!!!

by ColonelBy2013 December 8, 2011

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cluster fuck

when more that 3 people have sex together

After prom were all just gonna go have one big huge cluster fuck

by abbalabbalee21 May 11, 2010

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rolling cluster fuck

A derogatory term used to describe an individuals ongoing total and complete failure to competently complete their work or mission, due to their idiocy, administrative stupidity and stubbornness; or the result of same.

His(her)work is all screwed up. He(she)is a 'rolling cluster fuck.'

by Brandt Domas February 28, 2004

26๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž