when you go on your phone and mindlessly scroll tiktok so hard that you fall into a hypnotic, unconscious, dream-like state similar to daydreaming
adam: "why hasn't benjamin joined the call back yet?"
cooper: "he's probably taking a content nap"
benjamin: *content napping*
Opposite to: Quality content
- Content that is more focused on uploading/publishing rather than producing the best content just for the sake of their subscribers/followers
I like content creators that produce a mix of quality content and quantity content.
A youtuber that makes "good videos" *cough cough* Durv
Colin the colon stealer:did you see fun family pg cleans new video?
Chester the molester:fuck off Colin I'm watching bad baby in pampers sing song-Jonny Jonny yes papa you fuckin' nonce
To imply you want to chug a gallon of egg juice and set urself on fire cringy content is the definition of a fucking nonce
Urban Dictionary's Guidelines:
Write for a large audience. New definitions are approved by the Urban Dictionary community, so use words, names, and examples that other people will understand and recognize.
Share definitions that are real and relevant. Inside jokes and made-up words are likely to be rejected. Share things that you’ve heard elsewhere or you regularly use in conversation.
Don't post personal information. Keep personal information like addresses, emails, and phone numbers out of Urban Dictionary. Do not include the last names of non-celebrities.
Don’t post hate speech. We have a zero tolerance policy for definitions that include hate speech, bullying, or statements meant to discriminate or incite violence against others.
Ask yourself: “Will I still want this published on the internet tomorrow?” We know that many definitions are added by friends and in the spur of the moment. Sure, the internet moves fast, but make sure you’re adding something that feels true and important enough to share publicly and document forever.
Man, did I get busted for violating Urban Dictionary's Content Guidelines yesterday! So sick!
The world's best youtuber and number 1 Thai Italian who just wants to rebuild the roman empire
I want to sell my soul to the content review youtube channel
wolfdogs with wolf percentage between 50%-75%
Mid contents show few dog traits and are more difficult to work with compaird to low contents and no contents, but much easier then a high content.
"Wow! Your wolf is so cute! Is he a wolf?"
"No he's a mid content multi generational wolfdog."
Where you are enjoying multiple things at once.
There is a lot of sludge content on Tik Tok.