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cooter slam

a dance move where the dancer drops to a complete straddle split in one count. Technically known as a 'split ala seconde'.

The way Michelle did that cooter slam, you'd think she was a Solid Gold dancer!

by TimmyAtl September 20, 2007

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cooter bite

The tightening of the muscles in the vagina during a womans orgasm.

Man that chicks cooter bite was intense.

by DaMoOf December 24, 2006

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Cooter Fingers

The most-commonly used fingers on a hand used to touch the female genitalia, either during sex acts or female hygene, usually being the index and middle fingers.

I can't believe that she reached into that box of donuts and touched all of them with her cooter fingers!

by The Office Donut Box Police June 15, 2010

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cooter tracks

A slimy snail trail left on a surface by any female when they rub their moist genitalia against it.

The stripper left her cooter tracks on the davenport.

by Dr. Ryan July 18, 2005

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cooter cannon

A loose or "blown out" vagina

I couldn't even go down on Becky, her cooter cannon looked like it was ready to fire.

by Meat wallet March 19, 2015

Cooter bark

Queef is so 70s. It's a cooter bark now

Her cooter bark was so loud it scared me.

by Dusty old kiefer December 23, 2022

cleveland cooter

someone from cleveland who wipes from back to front resulting in a crap smeared pussy

dude you gotta tell your girlfriend to wipe front to back because i could smell your girlfriend's cleveland cooter while i was doing her

by puddination December 12, 2009

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