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moon crusher

A moon crusher is someone who anally penetrates others brutally or intensely.

In prison they called my dad the moon crusher

by Leonard skinhead March 3, 2019

Wesley Crusher

A S&M technique used by female fans of Star Trek in which they yell out SHUT UP WESLEY!! Grabbing you by the balls and squeezing them until semen shoots out of your ass.

My trekkie girlfriend did the Wesley Crusher on me last night and now I'm in the hospital in need of a testicular transplant.

by sicmyduck June 28, 2019

Poon Crusher

a man who has had many sexual encounters with many women

Nick: yo man, im going to bang this chick. she wants a piece of me

Matt: of course she does your a poon crusher

by pooncrusher July 11, 2010

twink crusher

Somebody so fat that can crush a twink

That person is a twink crusher

by DarthGigi May 19, 2023

crusher can

A 32oz can of beer (usually economy brands like Milwaukee’s Beast)

Get me a Beast Light crusher can at the liquor store while you’re out.”

by Fluxcore December 13, 2017

kidney crusher

Very large penis that is used in such a manner that it crushes one's internal organs.

Shannon looks so good after I'm drunk on whiskey that I'd like to run my kidney crusher all up in her.

by Skincane January 22, 2014

Clump Crusher

It's when a guy cums in a girls eye lashes, and she has to comb out it with her Mascara.

Hey dude, I came in this girl's eye last night, and she pulled a Clump Crusher on me.

by Sinocide June 6, 2013