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Death Metal

Metal for virgin nerds who typically spend their entire adolescent/teenage life on the computer

"omg Erkel did u download teh new devourment album@?@?@!111 BEST DEATH METAL ALBUM EVARR! it leeked yesterday!"

"yeah its good but the new disgorge with the piggy vocals are t3H BROOTTT4L OMFGLLOZ@@!!11@!!"

by trasher July 14, 2008

26๐Ÿ‘ 100๐Ÿ‘Ž

death metal

An extreme form of heavy metal which contains blast beats, double bass, growling vocals and distorted guitars. Most songs are about the grotesque and darkside of life. While most of these bands claim to have the worlds most talented musicians, they all seem to sound identical.

Hey didn't this song already pass? No, we're already on track #10, but what did you expect? It's Death Metal.

by Anonymous July 31, 2003

28๐Ÿ‘ 119๐Ÿ‘Ž

Death metal

An aural stimulation that has somewhat been related to bleeding of the ears, an excess production of testosterone, and the utter pissing off of rap fans around the world. In fact, this form of music is just white noise set to very fast beats, but due to a certain property only evident in angry, white, suburbanite males, this white noise translates into very fast, very technical, and very well written music (see: necrophagist OMG) Death metal musicians tend to have an extreme amount of skill, using secret techniques taught to them by subliminal messaging through the Slayer Compact Disc, Reign In Blood, of only which a few copies exists today, that produces this extreme effect. It is said that there are secret rituals in Greg's Basement that are used to summon the almighty Slayer, involving the parting of a chicken, dipping your head in entrails for apples, and going trick or treating in the middle of august. Avoid death metal fans at all cost. They are infected with nerd syndrome, a very infectious disease which you may catch after only one listen to a death metal CD. If you ever encounter one of these nerds, the obvious symptoms are as follows: Obesity, extreme paleness of the skin, acne, a lack of social awareness, stuttering, the tendency to talk to oneself, a delusion that they are OMG TEH HOTNESS. Run.

Death metal fan: Blah blah blah blah Vader blah blah Monstrosity, blah blah blah blah tremelo picking blah blah blah Cryptopsy, blah blah blah blah blah blastbeats.

Death metal band: Blah blah blah blood, blah blah blah blah blah blah guts blah blah blah anal blah blah poop, blah blah blah blah knife blah blah blah satan blah god.

by Lado July 31, 2006

27๐Ÿ‘ 119๐Ÿ‘Ž

Death Metal

A type of heavy metal. Death metal bands do not have lead singers, instead they use edited recordings of Helen Keller trying to speak. Then they have an actor mouth the sounds for concerts or music videos. When they run out of Helen Keller recordings, they simply lock babies in dungeons and deprive them of any kind of interaction. The result being that when they grow up they will not be able to speak, only make guttural retard sounds. Put that person in front of a mic, and boom you have a death metal band.

Death metal is the worst type of metal, sorry.

by Per sonny 12333342 August 4, 2015

3๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

death metal

Complicated, intense, fast-paced instrumentals. Often accompanied, but not always, with references to death and satan, probably to give the band an excuse to use some really good sounding guitar riff they heard somewhere. Some people can't tell one death metal song from another, but they probably rarely ever listen to it.

"No one cares about your opinions on music"
- Editor of Boing Boing magazine

Stop using your opinions as definitions!

by Dead Man Talking September 12, 2003

17๐Ÿ‘ 72๐Ÿ‘Ž

Death Metal

a sad excuse for metal music makes people believe that all metal is screaming and people who wear too much black and want to cut your head off. Take the devil sign to extreme and actually worship the devil will usually have odd hair and odd faces

anything that sucks and screams alot like deatttttttttttthhhhhh is on the way YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by Dusty Cherr December 13, 2004

49๐Ÿ‘ 244๐Ÿ‘Ž

Death Metal

1. Death Metal is a sub genre of Metal in which the Vocals talk about death or disgusting things. Death Metal involves a grunting vocalist, heavy distorted guitars, low end base, and simple and fast drums; double-bass,snare,high-hat.

1.Hey!, did you here that Death Metal Band Cannible Corpse? That song I Cum Blood is Awesome!

2. Iron Maidoen isnt death metal, they are cock rock.

by Anonymous June 24, 2003

24๐Ÿ‘ 110๐Ÿ‘Ž