Dn is a way to lure people into the "Deez Nuts" joke.
"yo you heard about Dn?"
"Nah wtf is Dn?"
"Deez Nuts!"
Once upon a time, there was a young woman named Candice. You see, Candice had a nut allergy. Candice did not let this get in her way! Candice loved nuts! She loved nuts very much! But, she especially loved her friend, Deez's nuts the best!
A:What's DN?
B: DEEZ NUTZ IN YO MOUF MOFO!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!??!
DN stands for Display Name, often used on Twitter.
Person 1: "Why do you have emojis in your dn"
Person 2: "Because they match my layout"
Dirty Nurse
Dn means dirty nurse
Did u see her?
The nurse?
Yes, she‘s was soo dirty
and sexy like her pussy. (Dn)
Xio's manga never came they are still waiting for death note black edition and i already have it because im supreme
"Xio's missing dn manga never came lol im so funny istg i died"
“Hey man heard about the DN update?”
“What’s DN?”
“Deez nuts dumbass”
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