Drinking straight from the bottle that's viewed as economically and ecologicaly wise for one's pocket book and the environment since one is saving on shot glasses.
Brah, come on man you're better than that, do an Eco Shot instead on wasting on them shot glasses.
Economic Buzz. Cheapest way to party with any available liquor cabinet with seldom used bottles, cheap beer or bulk wine.
Are you up for bar hopping or maybe just houses for an eco buzz?
Implementing systems that may only show results later for long term benefit, specifically regarding climate change and equity. For example, eliminating single-use plastic in stores and instead having to bring your own containers would go against the easy short-term-gratification way of doing things, however, it would benefit the society and the individual in the long run. Another example is implementing solar panels in more places - short term it would cost more but in the long run it would be cheaper and better for the environment.
Company X should adopt eco-incrementalism in their systems and opt for solar energy instead of fossil fuels.
A shower consisting of two or more people. It is usually a device that's used to legitimize having sex in the shower. Saving water has never been so fun.
Guy: That's so cool that you spend a summer in Japan saving dolphins. You know I'd be willing to take an Eco Shower with you if you'd want to save the environment a little more.
Girl: Ok! Anything to save the Earth!
An eco-Nazi is a subspecies (no doubt the fewest in number) of Doomer who understands that the one, the ONLY, way to "save the planet" is "the final solution" for humans to go extinct. There are two ways to do this: increase the death rate or decrease the birth rate to zero. The eco-Nazi is (or should be) a proponent of the second choice.
Wow, that dude is a real eco-Nazi because he got a vasectomy before letting even one planet-nibbling bundle of joy out of the oven!
Confusion and tension caused from not knowing when something should go in the recycle bin or the compost bin.
Is this plastic fork biodegradable? I'm having major eco stress.
To be environmentally aware. To be sensitive to environmental concerns.
More people need to become eco-conscious if we are reverse global warming.