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New Egypt High School


9:1 teacher-student ratio - you'll get the help you need... probably

95% graduation rate (somewhat higher than state avg.)

Don't even bother reading the google reviews; they're complete and utter bull-crap. Talk about a lack of diversity within the school itself - the public statistics speak for themselves. This school is infatuated with boasting about its notable former alumni (Snooki, Keith Jones, other D-list celebrities) and athletic awards/recognitions, but fail to notice that it's only mere survivorship bias. Don't like it? Allentown's choice-eligible.

Looking for a great word to describe the school itself? I'll give you one: Yee-yee

NEHS-sympathizers, f̶i̶g̶h̶t̶ ̶m̶e̶ let's agree to disagree.

Concerned mother: "New Egypt High School!? Are you s-sure there's no other o-options? *trembling in terror* I want my BABY to be safe from DRUGS and BULLYING an-and..."

Realtor: "Well, there's Allentown High Sch-"

by RecFieldAt4 April 27, 2022

7👍 1👎

New Egypt

i have NEVER in my life been to a worse town. I have lived here all my life and have hated it more than anything. all the kids here wish they lived in Texas or Alabama so they could really be a redneck hillbilly, there is constantly being rumors spread around about how someones fucking someone else and the bathrooms reek of someones vape or cart. this town is filled with racist, homophobic (closeted) boys and girls and the school system sucks and has only gone downhill since covid. we are millions of dollars in debt and everyone and their grandma loves to complain about the kids riding on dirtbikes past their house with their ring camera photos on the new egypt happenings facebook. they had to implement a rule where you couldn't have a confederate flag on the back of your truck while driving because of how much it was happening. you have a better chance of winning the lottery than finding a genuine friend and if you just moved here people will swarm you and then spread your shit around the school a week later. No one here likes it besides the parents that cope with the fact their perfect little small town is nothing what it looks out to be. we also have a big KKK population. six flags sucks too. the town is being bought out and if you didnt think it could get any worse, it is, and it will. every student who moves here wants to move back after 2 weeks at most.

this town is where rednecks, wannabe hoodlums, and whores come together as one.

new egyptian: "Yeah.. I go to new egypt.."

random: "where the fuck is new egypt?"

new egyptian: "by jackson, six flags.. you know"

random: "oh.. that place"

by helpabruthaout January 16, 2025

Egypt Project

A project that you have to do on Egypt.

Guy#1: I hate this Egypt project.

Guy#2: Same.

by BuddyMaddie April 1, 2022

Egypt year

A really long amount of time. Used to show emphasis of how long it’s been since something has happened.

I haven’t seen Jane in an Egypt year. I wonder how she’s doing?
It’s been an Egypt year since I’ve seen a good hockey game.

by SiK juice October 25, 2017


i am egypt

very silly guy

guy 1: i am egypt
guy 2: hi egypt

by egyptianbirdsymbol February 24, 2024


A beautiful girl with a big personality, she's often too much of a lover and tends to get hurt , she's sexy fierce And good in bed , she can make any man fall in love with her eyes , don't lose An Egypt big mistake

I want an Egypt

by Livdareal April 29, 2024


A beautiful girl with a big personality, she's often too much of a lover and tends to get hurt , she's sexy fierce And good in bed , she can make any man fall in love with her eyes , don't lose An Egypt big mistake

I want an Egypt

by Livdareal April 29, 2024