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A Girl who worships certain bands (often untalented bands), celebrities/characters (douchebags such as Edward Cullen and the Jonas Brothers), TV Series and so forth. They're often extremely annoying and disrespectful of the opinions of others, especially if they oppose their own. They can be easily confused with Teenyboppers given their many similarities such as using low-quality cell phones often plastered with countless charms, stickers and such. Often times, they will persistently behave immaturely and never hesitate to promote whatever it is they love. I could go on about this for pages and pages but to put it shortly...Fangirls are fucking annoying!!

Scene: a calm, regular lunch period

Joe: So yeah, when's that homework due?

Robert: Lemme check *Robert pulls out his schedule* It's due at 4th period

Joe: 'Kay, sweet

*Chole (a fangirl) appears*

Chloe *to her friends*: OmmGZzZ ThE JOnaS BRothErs WEre IN CoNCeRT LASt NitEEe!!!!1!

Robert: Them friggin' fangirls are so annoying, along with that gay band they worship

Joe: So true man...

*Chloe approaches Robert and Joe*
Chloe: OMfGZoRZ!!! R U H8tIng ON ThE JOnAs BRotHeRs!!!!???!

Robert: Yeah, but that's just my opinion...If you don't like it, ignore it...just chill out

*Chloe and her friends annoy the living hell out of the two*

by MegadethFan345 March 3, 2010

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Typically used to denote one with an unhealthy obsession with anime characters, although the term can also be applied to those who obsess over actors who are real (which can be considered a step up or down from anime fangirls, depending on how you look at it). Characteristics include the the propensity to discuss their character of choice's personality, accomplishments and so on, completely failing to realize that it's just a fucking cartoon; to write horrible fanfics pairing characters together, often characterized themselves by an obsessive focus on yaoi; and to use anime-inspired emoticons such as ._. and -_-;, with the semicolon in the latter example being repeated to express progressing exasperation (-_-;;;;;;;;;; etc). Typically 12-15 years old; after this point, the fangirls really should know better, and are reclassified as, simply, morons.

Fangirls, as well as their counterpart the fanboy, should be avoided at all costs; do not respond to them in any way as you will only encourage them more. Rather, you are encouraged to strive for a clean headshot whenever possible. Burn the body and exorcise the ground upon which it fell.

vash is so much sexyer then inuyasha omg -_-;;;;;;;; but id like to c them in bed 2gether xDDD

by J January 7, 2005

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a girl who obsesses over a band or a specific person in a band, only likes the band because they are hot.
dedicates their myspace/facebook/tumblr to their 'fav' band.
Dresses up for their concerts wearing bright and ugly clothes and acts totally obnoxious just to get attention. writes the band name all over their bodies. has 100 of pictures with the band, or photoshopped pictures w/ the band. yells at her top of lungs "IWANTYOUINMYPANTS!"

oMgggzZ joHnOOOhhH iZzz sOo fucKInG sHMexxzy as fUcK! I iz a fangirl
nick santino is such a hottie!
tHe maINe is muHHH Lyfeeee.
all tiMe loW= gask!arth and baraKAat.

by rannahahhagvskg. April 15, 2009

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when screaming fangirls attack celebrities by way of hugging and not letting go, kissing, screaming, etc. Usually these are teenage girls

I was pretty cool when we saw Robert Pattinson, but my best friend totally fangirlized him.

by Nessie the Monster October 13, 2009

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An obsessive fan of a band, usually attracted to said band because she finds members of the band sexually attractive, and the music either comes as a second interest, or a noninterest. They have a strong tendency to rely on bands with appealing imagery (stylish pop punk, old glam rock, "hardcore" metal). Fangirls of more "loud" or "heavy" bands usually gravitate towards radio friendly ballads, and have little or no knowledge of the rest of the band's discography. For these reasons, fangirls are cast into the same derogatory category as poseurs by most music fans. Also can be spelled "fan girl".

If you've only got one copy of the band's rarest bootleg, don't give it to that girl, she'll be into another band in just a few months, she's just a fangirl.

by Poochoo August 23, 2003

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to squeal or behave like a teenager, no matter your actual age, in response to anything Twilight/Edward/Rob Pattinson related. May also cause shaking, crying, shortness of breath, spontaneous Robgasm, or Jizzing your pants.

I completely fangirled when I saw the pictures of Rob Pattinson as shirtless Edward in New Moon.

by Iadorepugs August 14, 2009

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A girl usually about 12 that will obsess over someone that does not care about her, and never will. Fangirls are usually unable to see that the person they are obsessing over has no skills or talents and actually isn't as famous or as good as they think they are. Fangirls like their obsession because of their looks more than anything.

She fangirled over 5sos and privatefearless despite them having no talent, simply because they are good looking

by The_Dark_Lord_cthulhu March 15, 2015

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