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medical social fascism

An ideology that believes in the supremacy of medicine, rejection of the truth, censorship, silencing of the opposition, social Darwinism, mass surveillance, big government, and other forms of suppression.

The very concept of medical social fascism is terrifying.

by Doctor WTF April 7, 2022

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Cyber fascism bullying

Used by many cyber companies that one may use their service. However they always have some form of corruption.

1. Denying its users some right such as the right to delete stuff, change stuff around, add music or videos to their profile, or communicate with certain people. They can only do this, because their corrupt little company has full access to the website and can make sure all thinks they dont like are impossible to be able to do on their website.

2. Invade another persons account. They are the jerks who do stuff like remove certain contacts, close your account down, delete content on your account, you name it.

3. Happens most likely on Facebook, Myspace, Yahoo Answers, Sodahead, Amazon, Youtube, aim along with most discussion forums.

Cyber fascism bullying

On Yahoo Answers, they dont let you delete offensive answers. Those jerks also delete any of your questions they dont like, and shut down accounts, just cause they can.

On Facebook and Myspace, those douchebags removed friends from my friendlist just cause I looked at their profile too much without ever showing communication with them. Just cause they can, and they think cause in their opinion thats stocking, they have some responsibility to do so.

Most computer programs make you register online to be able to use their program in case someone let you borrow theirs. Why? Because they can. Luckily we have crack codes to smash their ability to bully us.

Some jerk on AIM shut down my account with my whole buddy list just cause they did not like some conversation I had with another person.

You internet trolls need to mind their own fuckin business

by jerr50606 June 21, 2010

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woke fascism

Fuck you for searching this term.

-Hey did you meet Ted, he's a woke fascist.
-Tim, i'm getting a divorce
-Wow, this says a lot about society.
woke fascism

by grand_hog_bernard November 13, 2019

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far-left fascism

An ideology of the far-left that is characterized by leftist nationalism, state totalitarianism, ethnic or political supremacism, autarky, and expansionism.

The ideology of far-left fascism is usually dismissed by the leftists themselves.

by Angriest Mouse of Schnaasberg April 7, 2022

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a dictator is in has all the power, despite nobody having any power.

vincent: i support anarcho-fascism
justin: soo you want a government having all the control, despite nobody being in control
vincent: yes

by xelvibes December 16, 2022

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Reverse Fascism

In a Fascist State, the government controls media, corporations, and influences public opinion for the Fascist Parties benefit.

In a Reverse Fascist State, Corporations control the government, media, and influence public opinion for Corporate benefit.


The United States is becoming a Reverse Fascist government and Flawed Democracy because a citizens opinion does not hold the same weight or value as corporate lobbyists.

Reverse Fascism is creating a Neo-Capitalist economic system.

by March 15, 2022

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Pop Fascism

A paradigm in which images come from the future.

Asserts that pop culture is a deterministic pathway to fascism.

A summation of the work of Baudrillard.

Pop fascism argues that images are fascist-in-themselves.

Pop fascism argues that functions of pop culture for instance viral culture are NOT friends of the left.

by zanderfin September 13, 2019

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