A guy who can last for a really long time in bed and so you feel like you need a sports drink once you're done.
"Did you hook up with Sean last night?"
"Oh yeah he's a total gatorade, we didn't finish until 4am"
A nice drink that quinces your thirst. "It has proven hydration with electrolytes." You're Welcome for the information. :)
This Gatorade is refreshing.
A red,green,blue,white,black,orange,purple,liquid. If drunk expect to go pee in the next 10-20 minutes.
Peeta drunk Gatorade,in the arena,he peed his pants.
You mix this with your vodka to get mega fucked up
Yo bro pass me that Gatorade so I can get fucked up
Alright mate, there's probably some nasty ass definition for Gatorade, but here you go- A sports drink. It's a damn sports drink. Get used to it.
Like: You like Red, Grape, Orange, and the good flavors
Dislike: You like Cool Blue, Lemon-Lime, and all the flavors that are nasty as fuck
Gatorade tastes good, but some flavors taste like Dogshit
An energy drink. People with braces cannot drink it. But who gives a shit. ❤
I love all types of gatorade especially melon.