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get out of my office

Used immediately after "you're fired" (or the like) to signify that the sayee has assumed the boss position of the immediate locale and, therefore, should be properly respected.

Only team leaders and wankers may use this phrase.

Coined by !phil

dt0x rides blahblah's rocket
!phil: dt0x
!phil: omg
!phil: yorue so fired
!phil: get out of my office
blahblah: lol
dt0x: fuck

by !phil February 18, 2004

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get out of my way

When someone's being an idiot and blocking you from getting somewhere.

*Person walking in front of you suddenly stops.*
You: Get out of my way!

by Popular Starfish February 21, 2016

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getting out the bad seed

having a wank, every bloke knows that if u don't blow ya load at least once a week your spunk goes bad inside your balls, leading to rashes, insomnia, shivers, madness & death!! So by getting out the 'bad seed' you are promoting healthy living.

I couldn't bloody sleep so i had a wank & by getting out the bad seed i was able to snooze soundly.

by Grey69 July 5, 2007

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ya-yas, to get out

To indulge/vent an urge that society does not approve of -- this can be fighting, partying, drinking, having sex, smoking pot... whatever. It implies that there are other times when you're a "respectable citizen" and repress the urge -- full-time party-animals are not getting their ya-yas out because they always act that way.

Example for ya-yas, to get out:
"I have people flipping me off all the time but because I'm from New York, I get my ya-yas out that way and I get to flip 'em back." (quote from BBC News article "Environment drives Hummer vs Hybrid row" 1 June 2004)

by whoatemyfish April 23, 2006

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Get out of my house

used to kick the shit out of ur house

OI, u cunt get out of my house

by Cock Molest February 25, 2005

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an excuse to get out of work


death is just a an excuse to get out of work

by hgi;uEkcgรณrd2kn34<vcn.${PROUVC May 3, 2023

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Get out of my room

The phrase you say when your little sibling enters your territory.

Little bro:can I play on your phone?
Big bro: no, now get out of my room
Little bro:but...
Big bro: GET OUT OF MY ROOM!!!!

by Abc123shut up December 22, 2019

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