A monetary amount used by young black men to signify the amount of money they have spent on there grandmothers fully loaded 1984 Buick Toronado left by her husband who died in the civil war.
Him:Yo how much u spend on yo grandmother's 1984 buick Toronado
Him 2:Alot...of Guap
guap, a word meaning a large amount of money, usually used to purchase expensive items such as bust down watches and luxury cars
“Money sitting tall, Yao Ming
I’m counting all this guap on me
Counting all this guap you nah mean?”
-Jesus, Old Testament 12:3
Person on discord with a lot of money and girls sheesh
"guap is rich"
Guap is a slang term that refers to money, specifically cash or wealth. It is often used as a shortened version of the phrase "got guap" which means having a lot of money or being wealthy. It is a term that is used in street culture and can be used in various contexts such as in hip-hop music or casual conversations among friends.
Joe: "Hey, how's it going? You've been looking extra fly lately, got some new Guap?"
Bob: "Yeah, I've been stacking up recently. Just closed a big deal at work."
Joe: "Nice, you deserve it! Always good to have some Guap in the bank."
Bob: "Definitely, now I can finally afford that designer bag I've had my eye on."
A lot of cash; a handsome amount of cash.
In Spanish, guapo means handsome, so guap means a hansome amount of cash.
Commonly used in the New York area.