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Gummy Girl

A girl with uppercase gums and lowercase teeth

Look at Katey, she has more gums than teeth! She’s such a gummy girl.

by Mr steal yo momma August 31, 2020


When a toothless man or woman performs oral sex on a woman.

After Fred got his gummer from Wilma he took out his teeth and gave her a gummy-nummy.

by G420nDK September 8, 2009

Extraction Gummy

When you are getting a sloppy, gum job from a relatively toothless prostitute with meth mouth and the vigorous action pops loose one her her last remaining molars.

I was getting a hot gummy in the alley behind the office from that filthy meth whore but ended up an extraction gummy. I started skull fucking her and the next thing I know a tooth was on the ground.

by Eaton Holgoode December 10, 2018

Gummi encheu

Gummi encheu, Legend has it a kid dies in the middle of gummi encheu

cafe steve from minecraft

Hey you listen to gummi encheu if you dont GET OFF FORTNITE YOU FUCKING FORTNITE ADDICT.

by gummi encheu\ September 27, 2019

White Gummy

When you get a blow job and cum without having a boner. But the person giving you the blow job MUST have NO teeth.

ahh man your grandma gave me a sick white gummy last night.

by shunzo February 9, 2009

22πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

fuit gummy


baby yoda:fuit gummy

person: here fuit gummy

by Thicc spirt main November 29, 2019

16πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Gummi Bear

A toothless gay man of the bear variety who gives excellent head.

Damn, that gummi bear can suck a mean sausage.

by Gum-Bi May 1, 2010

46πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž