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Dirty Hana

When there’s more to one than meets they eye in a sexual context.

She’s no vanilla, she’s a dirty Hana!

by Pretty fudge April 16, 2020

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hana kimi

1.an old romance/comedy mange written and drawn by HISAYA NAKAJO! the manga ia about the cliche story line of a young girl going to an all boys school disguised as a boy, of course she is doing this for a boy and that boy is her room mate! BUM BUM BUUUUM! also a good friend of hers is having gender issues cause he is attracted to her, and there is a gay doctor.

2. some weird Japaneses show where all the men are extremely attractive i'm too lazy to look into it

hana kimi

by TheRedHeadedFanGirl May 27, 2009

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hana pa'a

hawaiian slang meaning to reap.

"Brah, I went throw my net all day from ewa beach park all da way to da fence by Barbers Point and I nevah catch one fish, just choke limu so befo went come dark I went to da canals and one throw and I went "hana pa'a" one bucket full Tilapia.

by Palar Jones May 1, 2005

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Hana Aloha

Artistic; ARTISTICALLY, Love and magic

Hana Aloha stands for Art

by Sofiaazazueta May 17, 2020

Hana the Bunny

A lewdy bunny girl who has a 2,000+ following on Instagram, Hana posts pictures and videos of herself wearing a bunny suit inspired by the character Mai Sakurajima from Bunny Girl Senpai. The best and cutest bunny around, she's adorable in how she walks and flirts with others.

Evelyn: "Hana the Bunny really posted a new picture on Instagram? Wow, is she cute!"
Random Person #754: "Yah!"

by EeveeCutie! September 10, 2023

Hana Kimura

A Japanese female wrestler who is popular for her signature pastel pink hair and how thicc she is.

Hana Kimura is adorbs.

by Tingle Likes Rupees October 26, 2019

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Pa'u Hana

Pa'u Hana (pronounced "pow hana")is a Hawaiian phrase literally meaning, "finished work", but generally refers to the practice of leaving work early on Friday to start the weekend.
Also can be used as a verb for leaving anything early and/or incomplete.

Plebe: Dude, Boss just called a meeting for 3:45 on Friday, happy hour is F'ed!
Guy in the know: Just Pa'u Hana the fuck out of there and say you never got that memo.
Worker1: These reports are pointless and will never be seen, but require several more hours of work.
Worker2: Finish that one, shred the rest, then guess what, PA'U HANA BITCH!
Worker1: It's Millertime.

by Wordsyouneed June 15, 2007

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