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Hector the erector

A person that erects alot.........
Like me

Im Hector.....an erector

by asses March 27, 2005

58๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

hector is gay

Hector is a fucking gay ass motherfucker who sucks on small shriveled slippery serpent looking penises, he's so fucking gay he would finger his too tight penis sucking prostate. He's just plain gay.

hector is gay

by funnyhehe January 13, 2020

32๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hector Jablinowski

This might seem like a name, but it is actually a high-tech acronym (however, nobody is allowed to tell anyone what it stands for as it lays a surprise for the unwilling) Derived from Hectorverantia and sponsored by Louiza.


by use code fucking xen June 17, 2019

Hector the Erector

A guy named Hector who can a get a girl's clit erect within a 500 foot radius.

Guy: Damn that Hector the erector. He gets all the girls.Must be the tongue rolling thing. But Atleast, I got you right babe.

Girl(bitting her teeth): Wait for me Hector!

by El mejor de la vida January 30, 2009

32๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hector Projector

Individuals with an issues often projects them toward others
Can also be used by the projector when criticisim heads his way (denial). Used in mostly good humour.

in response to an acusation or suggestion you would say, "arrh Hector the Projector"

by M April 9, 2005

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hector injector

Slang for penis, especially one belonging to a person named hector. Sometimes referred to as hektor injektor.

Dude, you should give that bitch the hector injector.

by Cutlass_253 November 25, 2006

24๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

hector garcia

Hector Garcias are generally an over affectionate bro, hands are either on you or down his pants. Most often Hectors tend to be shorter in stature; most of their activities consist of "pumping and humping". Constantly walk like either someone shit in their cereal or they are on a mission to find a way to expand the hole on their GTA V discs.

Look at that Hector Garcia shoving his pork sword through the hole of his GTA V disc!!!

by Mr. Bills November 23, 2013

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