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Meanie butt.


This girl called me a hobag so I called her hitler!

by save the drama for yo llama December 18, 2005

146๐Ÿ‘ 238๐Ÿ‘Ž


an ass-hole who was the dictator of Nazi Germany. under his orders the Holocaust was carried out, exterminating political rivals, jews, blacks and... well just look at the list of ethnicities hated by the KKK, and you get a pretty good idea of the people that were targeted. he was also a huge hipprocrit, as he didn't even fit his philosophy that " the blonder your hair and bluer your eyes, the more fit you are to rule the world". after around five years of country stomping and treaty breaking and rampent race based governing, in 1945, when his bunker started getting fired up by ally troops; he put a gun in his mouth and fired up, thus doing the one thing that the entire civilized world had been trying to accomplish: making Hitler bite the bullet.

additionally, believers in the Nostradamus prophecies believe him to be the second of three anti-Christ, the first being Napoleon Dynamite, no wait, that's wrong, his name was Napoleon Bonaparte. if these prophecies are in fact true, than obviously Hitler didn't listen when his big bro Bonaparte told him to bring winter clothes when conquering Russia. mankind will just have to wait and see if the third anti-Christ learned anything from his two older hell spawned brothers. let's pray hes just as incompetent in the end as they were

Ray "hey man, you know what they should do?"
Tim " what?"
Ray" they should like, make a big ass statue of the man who killed Hitler."
Tim "uh-huh..."
Ray " and they could like, gild it with gold and silver and shit, and -"
Tim " I don't know about gold and silver, but shit sounds just about right for it."
Ray "and they could put it in the middle of D.C., and children could take school field trips to see it, and learn about such an international hero."
Tim "Ray, do you know who killed Hitler?"
Ray " no, but it was some ally soldier, wasn't it"
Tim " no, no, it definitely wasn't an allied soldier"
Ray" then who-"
tim " he killed himself, you dumb ass."

by Random Blackman 1 February 17, 2014

199๐Ÿ‘ 335๐Ÿ‘Ž


used to define any of a set of ideas, actions, or terms that could be associated with that of Hitler or Nazis.

by Null January 29, 2003

29๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž


CUNT also see Retard and cock jockey

1.Hitler was a cunt
2.Hitler, like all nazi's was nothing more than a cowardly cock jockey

by Luke Bradley August 10, 2005

287๐Ÿ‘ 508๐Ÿ‘Ž


A fag who didn't like circumcised dicks and had a stupid mustache.

hey you have a Hitler mustache.

by psyco alpha May 25, 2007

75๐Ÿ‘ 119๐Ÿ‘Ž


A German dictator who had amazing leadership capabilities, but had many, many innocent Jews tortured and put to death.
He's the classic example of an hero.

Hitler is NOT cool, or funny.

by anherotaylor August 12, 2007

103๐Ÿ‘ 172๐Ÿ‘Ž


The act of stick one's finger up his or her ass and smudging crap under a sleeping friend's nose, thereby giving them a "Hitler Mustache"

Jimmy passed out, so I gave him a Hitler. Now when he wakes up, he'll wonder why everything smells like doo-doo-butter.

by Shpatterick August 1, 2006

56๐Ÿ‘ 89๐Ÿ‘Ž