This Word enables you to express yourself when you can’t simply find the right word to use if you find something hot!
Ah you don hear that new jhus and burnaboy?
Ans: yes it is hotterEr than the earth’s core.
Pronounced in Nigerian accent: HOTTA RA!
Hotter than hotterer, the hottest of hots
Breanna's name is hotterer than bre
Used to describe how much more attractive one person is than another.
Bob is hot but you are so much hotterer.
analogous to a prostitutes libido juxtaposed to a BBQ grill loaded with hot dogs.
Dang, it's hotter than a hooker at a weenie roast out here!
(Specifically in Texas) when it gets so hot you can’t feel if a mosquito is on your tits
Hotter than a skeeter on a teeter means It’s hotter than a mosquiter on mommy’s milkers
when a women or a man is just very attractive
Hey Lily, you are hotter than a pocket.