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Ur mum innit

just. ur mum. innit

no one:

legit no one:
fucking not even one soul on this planet:
sam: ur mum innit

by Janis Smith June 29, 2020


the british way of saying isnt that rude

my friend got me mad right so i told him BIT RUDE INNIT MAN

by St1nky8 February 17, 2021

Yo Neymar sunny innit?'

When Jesse Lingard asked marcus rashford what they talked about in the tunnel with Neymar, Marcus told him they talked about "the weatha" Lingard responded: "NO NO NO NO NO, DO NOT EVEN-, THE WEATHA?! THE WEATHA?!" he was convinced he was lying so he sarcastically said "Yo neymar yeah Sunny innit?'" as a way to mock his answer.

"Yo neymar sunny innit?'"

by Hamify June 5, 2021

121๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Thats it then innit, i suppose?

1. A term used to describe the transition from rock musician to top ten legend. Usually spoken in the Soho area of London specifically the Berwick Street region.

2. Usually associated with the disappearance of famous musical artists. This also attributes to their legend status.

3. The term is also used by drunk art students on forums, who are trying to be deep and emotional but end up looking like soppy, laughable fools.

1. Noel Gallagher walked down Berwick Street, turned to the camera and said thats it then innit, i suppose?

2. If he done that and we never heard from him again, then he would go down as one of the top 10 rock legends of all time.

3. supernovamike

by Dwayne Benzilton March 24, 2010

28๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

That's what tommy innit said

The prase :"That's what tommy innit said" is used to tell someone they make them laugh

"I SH** YOU NOT " ."That's what tommy innit said"

by peopleNOObmasteR69 April 28, 2021

3๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Peng ting innit fam

Something chavs say idgaf

Yo that was Peng ting innit fam lad lmao ayy rollerskates

by Bigpeenguy September 7, 2020

3๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

ayo whag wan piffting innit

it is the go to year 8/9 roadman line

bob:ayo whag wan piffting innit whats ur bbm pin

girl; fuck off

by FONDLER 69 March 20, 2017

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