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#4 at http://www.pussyslips.com/

The purest definition of irony.

"It's a testament to Britney's continuing popularity that hers it the fourth most sought-after pussy shot even though she hasn't flashed hers for the cameras. Panty upskirts aplenty, nipple slips on a regular basis, carefuly crafted almost-nudes like this one, and even a world-class catsuit cameltoe. But apparently she keeps her panties on in public. Must be that proper Southern upbringing."


Better update that page now...

by Kevin Timberlake March 10, 2007

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Conscious irony

Conscious awareness of ironic consciousness. Awareness that one's consciousness is a self-actualized linearization of time that originates from cyclical time origins. Awareness that the existentialism (cyclical) of consciousness is counterposed to its actualization (linearity). Understanding that one cannot traverse linear time to the past and that the future and present concurrently (cyclically) impact each other.

Conscious irony is the understanding that you cannot travel back to the linear past you can only move to the cyclical future which is the eternal now.

by sandrashine July 30, 2017

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Orwellian Irony

Orwellian irony is irony that is explicitly political in nature.

Orwellian irony shows the poverty of the philosophy and history undergirding what some people use as the justifying narrative for their political commitment and it can also be used to categorize people's arguments for or against freedom, liberty, etc. that are disconnected from history, legality, etc.

Orwellian irony is often situational.

Examples include:

A person unaware that the foundations of their self-chosen political identity are based on a misunderstanding of historical events refusing to investigate counter-claims made in an online debate.

A person at a protest claiming to be against government encroachment of rights that then runs away when police start violating their counter-protestors constitutional rights rather than helping.

When an AnCap tries to delegitimize a Socialist's criticisms of the economy by saying: "Well you wrote that on a smartphone, which was made by capitalism" this is an example of Orwellian irony because Leonid Kupriyanovich, a Soviet, invented much of the technology prior to the U.S., but also as much of the technology developed to make this was done by Federally funded research grants.

That a propaganda outlet, TeleSUR, which is managed by a state that has exploited a crisis to silence free press outlets like El Nacional, decided to use a private media outlet, Jacobin, to obfuscate the truth surrounding their brief unpublishing on Facebook and to call for increased government regulation is one of the most perfect examples of Orwellian irony ever.

by AVoyager August 29, 2018

Hipster Irony

A social disorder involving ridiculous habits of dress associated with solely with Hipsters, examples include goofy sunglasses, nut-hugger jeans, and shirts with images of food on them. Hipster Irony leaves the victim mentally incapable of determining how stupid they look. Side Effects include snide attitudes, bad taste in music, a predisposition for shitty beer, and a complete lack of the motor skills used to part ones hair. Hipster Irony is also extremely contagious and outbreaks have been reported at malls across America.

"I told that Hipster his bright red pants and white sunglasses made him look like the village idiot, and he responded, 'I Know', and smiled. Must be another victim of Hipster Irony."

by Gavriel.Discordia June 7, 2016

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Zombie Irony

When the guy you left to get infected while you saved yourself comes back to bite you in the ass, quite literally.

Person A: Hey you remember we left Tony in that room to act as bait to lure the zombies away from us?
Person B: yeah, why?
Person A: Well he just turned up over there and bit me
Person B: That's some serious zombie Irony right there

by White Fire May 28, 2010

Irony poisoned

When someone perceives nearly everything through multiple layers of irony, and nothing through sincerity. This could extend to someone not being able to sincerely express their own beliefs without someone else thinking they’re being ironic or Insincere. And it could also extend to the inability of someone to take sincerity coming from others at face value, or being skeptical of it.

Person 1: I really enjoy X
Person 2: I bet you only like it because it’s secretly a coping mechanism for something else.
Person 1: it’s not, you’re brain is just irony poisoned

by L+Ratio? May 26, 2022

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Irony Nazi

At the first use of the word irony, they come swooping in to demonstrate their intellectual superiority, without bothering to check whether the usage was correct or not.

"That is not what irony is!!" said the Irony Nazi.

by JeffMartin December 31, 2008

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