A word used by my dear friend from MHHS
He usually uses it to make the conversation awkward and dirty. Only morons would actually look up the true meaning of this word though. Yes this means you B-Rad. Please also see ZJ and Shwang if you want to see anymore ridiculous words used by my dear friend Cody.
Guy1: Dude Did you shwang her V-jang?
Guy2: Dude i Shwanged her V-jang
Guy1: Sweet
The Name Of The Cannabalistic Creatures In The Video Game The Forest, and Sons Of The Forest
I Was Trying To Build My Base Until A Group Of Jangs Came, And Attacked Me
A really good friend who doesn’t care about others and everybody would like to have him
Really worrying, causing a lot of worry
Its pretty jang that I know nothing for my pathology final exam tomorrow...
Slang referring to the penis, specifically the testicles.
Plural: jangs
"Bro she was jumpin' on my jangs like it was a jungle gym.”
"Get off my jang, dude.”
Slang referring to the penis, specifically the testicles.
Plural: Jangs
“Bro she was jumpin’ on my jangs like it was a jungle gym.”
“Get off my jang dude.”