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Jason is a fucking beast. This kid rips people apart on the football field, and is not to be fucked with, ever.

Spectator: You see Jason out there?

Spectator 2: Hell yea he just ripped that kids arm off :O

by Jason the Linebacker October 19, 2012

18πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


Jason, a guy who cannot bring himself to love but when you get to know him omgzz you guys he has a heart of solid gold..

I cried so much because of jasons special type of love i didnt realise all those years were were together he was the one who made me cry the most..

Omg like he is sooooo special..

by ifitwalkslikeaduckitisaduck December 28, 2013

23πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


A jason is a cute, awkward, dorky boy. He's funny and sweet, can attract many girls by his lovable, boyish charm. However, a Jason isn't the best boyfriend because he doens't like talking or discussing relationship problems, only enjoys showing off his new "prize girl".

s, "i really like jason, but he never talked to me, only showed me to his friends"

e, "i wanted to go out with jason, but i knew better"

friend, "who can resist jason charm and grace?"

by lovetolovealways:)............ July 31, 2008

2910πŸ‘ 2223πŸ‘Ž


1) A boy who's mind is too complex to ever fully understand. He's very sexual and has never been able to stay in a relationship for more than a month. But when he finds his real love, he will love her with all his power making his happiness dependent on her.
He's very horny and might pressure his girlfriend unknowingly to do things with him.
On the outside, he looks like your average perverted teenage boy but once you get to know him (really get to know him) you'll find a much vulnerable boy who aches for love.

2) A boy that you just can't bring yourself to dump.

3) The only name that can be spelled with the first letters of five months.

Example 1: I love Jason but I always feel pressured by him to have sex.

Example 2: I want to dump him but he's so Jason.

Example 3:

J - July

A - August

S- September

O - October

N - November

by Proxxy Aristocrat January 20, 2010

470πŸ‘ 342πŸ‘Ž



You can't judge a Jason on his name alone. All Jason’s are different- some funny, some serious, some athletic, some couch potatoes. It entirely depends on which Jason you're referring to. All are different, as already said. Generalising a Jason on name alone won't do. Sure, it'll fit some Jason’s, but for the most part, the rest will not connect at all.

This doesn't apply to just Jason’s, obviously. Any name- generalising to anyone just won't do- from Samuel to Rebecca, all owners of names are completely different. That's what makes us unique as a species. That's the beauty of humanity- our diversity.

Person 1- Hey, did you see that guy? He's such a Jason!

Person 2- What does that even mean? They're all different…

by Jaberjr May 13, 2017

24πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


A joke

Jason is a joke

by THANOS 123456? October 27, 2019

21πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


jason is the funniest person you will ever meet. He will be your bestie forever and ever. And he is a GOD at basketball. He is a walking meme and everyone loves him for it. BUTTTTTTT if you make him mad, ALL HELL WILL BREAK LOOSE!!


by crazyspazattack April 1, 2020

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž