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jed stick

it mean a guy with a small penis

omg my jed stick is small

by shawnta thomas May 8, 2017

jehadi jed

Street bum from London Town. Wears a vest, dirty pants and a scruffy beard. Keen daffodil gardener.

"Oh look Jim Bob, give Jehadi Jed some of your change, it looks like he needs a holiday"

by Fred Mcwolf box February 2, 2018

Jed Regester

Jed Regester is your friend who likes to take dick up the bum but will say no homo after the whole experience. Jed Regester is one of those close friends that sometimes gets a little way too close which is not cool unless your name is also Jed Regester.

Person: Ayo what's up homie?
Jed Regester: My dick is up for you...
Person: Dude are you gay?
Jed Regester: No homo.

by GodHimself4177 March 17, 2020

Jed's Best

Some insane blondies that make you jizz in your pants.

I had some Jed's Best blondies yesterday and I accidentally busted my load all over my buddy.

by Foodie1 June 18, 2010

Juicy Jed

An annoying idiot who wears black tops leafy shorts he also has black hair and dirty feet

Juicy Jed

by Hello Iโ€™m pathetic Patrick July 27, 2018

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Dirty Jed

Saying "I love you" either: When you first meet a girl, or when you say it too early in the relationship and scare the girl off.

His relationship was going smoothly, until he pulled a Dirty Jed and spooked her.

by Chrono625 April 23, 2020

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Jed Clampett

Jed Clampett from Beverly Hillbillies found his claim to fame by shooting a gun and the bullet striking the ground and upcame a spout of oil. Typically, this act occurs when a man and a woman are having sex in the doggy-style position and the man becomes half-way hard. He then proceeds to urinate inside the woman, pulling out right as he finishes, only to watch his urine spout from her anus in a similar fashion that oil shot up from the ground.

I filled that bitches ass up and gave her the Jed Clampett.

I pulled a Jed Clampett on this bitch while fucking her in a chair and she got it all over her new jacket that was on the backrest.

by Grizz Mint January 5, 2008

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