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an extremely foul smelling person who gives people diseases.
can be bullies and take pleasure in physicaly and verbally abusing someone.
word comes from singapore

"eww can you smell that"
" yes probably a jo"

by andrei czolak May 14, 2008

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a fag that goes to prms and thinks hes black

"have you seen joed in school''

by fakau January 27, 2011

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An amazing human being who loves pineapples and is the bestest friend anyone could have. Everyone loves her if not then they should. She has the best style ever. She loves a good photo shoot. โค๏ธ , Your Pineapple Bestie Bryn

One girl - Did you hear about Jo she is so pretty I wanna be friends with her

Everyone from school - ME TOO!!

by Fashion Icon Jo August 8, 2018

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Filo Jo-Jo

A man born to lie daily.
Enjoys lying and pulling pranks.
Gets his way through lying.
Gets through school by sleeping with teachers.

Jo-Jo loves basketball but wasnt any good. He lyed to the couch to join the team

by Alastor December 11, 2004

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A term coined in order to refer to a very stupid act. Originally refering to a player of Eve-Online who flies an ill fitted ship into hostile territory and proceeds to get destroyed by inferior hostile forces.

The pilot in question flew a carrier into hostile territory to "rat" (A term refering to grinding to raise money.) The carrier was fitted with battleship sized modules and no fighter drones. (Fighter Drones: A specialty drone used by Carriers as one of its primary means to defend itself or support the fleet.) He was promptly engaged by 3 hostiles which any other carrier pilot would have been able to fight off with a properly fitted vessel. He lost his ship and his pod. He was "Joed"

An individual screws up badly not in accident but out of pure stupidity and lack of common sense. "You got Joed" "Your a Joe"

by Passim June 25, 2006

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JO crystal

a magic crystal that charges up and glows when two or more bros jack off together.

Dude the other night at the lake me and my bros formed a circle around the fire and just fuckin jacked off together for like four hours. It was crazy. All of our JO crystals started glowing and the woodland creatures were howling and coming up to the fire and shit.

by ChesterChester69 October 15, 2013

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Anna Jo

A wonderful mother, caregiver, friend, and overall human being. A woman who works hard and loves with all of her heart. A faithful, spiritual kind, fun loving, strong, smart and amazing woman who deserves everything in the world. Someone who has the pleasure of having an Anna Jo should keep her very close to their heart and never let her go. She is your defender when you need it most, she is a shoulder to cry on, she is my mother by birth, my friend by choice who I love with all my heart.

My sister and I are blessed to have Anna Jo as our mother.

by Bizzer1991 April 29, 2013