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Crazy Lacy Syndrome

Is a syndrome for any person named Lacey/Lacy/laci. Usually presents in a female who is known to hide or conceal another parties property in preventing them from leaving a residence or location. They can be manipulative, identify as the victim in many scenarios along with yelling or loud shrieks. The syndrome can evolve into CLS2 which is crazy Lacy syndrome 2 where the person named Lacy/laci/lacey will then enter another parties home unannounced to retrieve property they believe is there’s. They may also leave passive aggressive notes.

Dude my girl hid my keys last night from me, turns out she had crazy Lacy syndrome!

by Larry fisher May 2, 2022

Steve Lacy Concerts

Steve lacy concerts could either be bad or good like…


Fan: Hey can you say hi to my mom
Steve: can you be quiet?
Steve: OOO I LOVE YOU SOO or this happens

FAN: 😄 that’s Steve lacy concerts

by POV: November 1, 2022

5👍 10👎

lacy silly beefo

lacy silly beefo is an extremely hard working beef brisket loved by many for her impressive talents. She sometimes likes performing the lazy Blackbeard sequence.. which we don’t want to talk about unless you search it up. Using lacy silly beefo is a way of saying you have absolutely great music taste with a hint of anger problems hidden in between the gaps.

Girl: I would say I have amazing music taste and have slight anger issues and is a great guy.
Boy: Oh, so you’re a lacy silly beefo?

by silly beefo appreciation September 3, 2021

1👍 1👎

Steve Lacy Effect

The Steve Lacy Effect is a phenomenon festering on TikTok that leaves trending music with little substance in the long run.

No one singing bro's song on stace, he suffering from the Steve Lacy Effect

by TheManWhoTouchedYourGrandma May 1, 2023

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Lacy~a female,She is really dumb,looks like a rat,also cares for her friends and will stick up for anyone,Fails high school and no likes her.

dude1~who is that girl? dude 2~ohh thats Lacy she looks like a rat doesn't she? dude1~yess lets get out of here

by yourmomsvirgintyakaLacy November 8, 2019


uses the word dude when she’s mad.

lacy: “dude

by yourmom2354 March 10, 2021


Lacy the typa person who got a hella big weiner and listens to green day.

The other night Lacy jumped through my window and took a huge shit on my chest.

by wizardpee October 17, 2019