Acronym for "Last man standing".
Emily: Why is no one else online in this groupchat, guess I'm the LMS.
Let me see your dress number, L,M,S?
If you want to pick up a blouse and the girl asks you about your size.
I want one of these Google Devs t-shirts.
What is your size: L,M or S?
Ok, LMS, whatever you have.
Hym "Yeah, it's not the lms. It's the 'story you tell yourself' i.e. delusion. Your delusion is how you explain why women are fucking you. And then you get some suckers to pay you to lie to them and now you have the money."
the abbreviation of LMS is Let Me See. when you are texting a person and they say LMS you.
"damm i look good today!"
"lms you"
*sends picture*
"damm you do look good