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Jizz Loogie

When you blow it in her mouth and she hawks it back out like a loogie.

We're getting a divorce because she spit a jizz loogie in her hand and threw it at me!

by airmanbw August 25, 2021

Goob Loogie

The excrement from male genitalia known also as jizz, cum, baby gravy, load, nut, mojo, johnson and johnson wax, nature’s hair gel, sperm, or semen that is produced from sexual stimuli. This can also be given as a numerical value and occur in units such as “a goob loogie.”

“She slid down on my totem pole and I blew a goob loogie off in her.”

“I didn’t bust all week so I shot off three goob loogies to catch up.”

by Averagewelder163 November 28, 2021

Cock Loogie

The substance that is excreted from a male's ejaculation.

Sammie: Mickey was pegging me so hard that when he pulled out I looked to see why and a cock loogie hit me right in the eye!
Jeannie: oh my gosh! My boyfriend normally puts his cock loogies into his dirty socks.

by REALST8R October 14, 2020

Lamma loogie

When you are coughing so hard that you send a chunk of flem and resin across the room sticking to whatever it hits like glue

Linda had taken a fat toke, and then blew out the smoke while giving Dave oral, causing linda to send a lamma loogie all over Dave's penis.

by Canolaoil4days January 11, 2020


A fucking dwarf that is squeaky and racist

Loogi is such a racist!

by Adot74 June 1, 2022

Gene Loogie

Cum... It's cum

I blasted a huge gene loogie onto that girls tits that I met last night

by GeneLoogie March 29, 2024

Dirty Loogie

When you're eating a girl out and she queefs, blowing the previous guys semen in your face

Guy 1: "Why the fuck you punched my sister!?!"
Guy 2: "She hit me with a dirty loogie. Need I say more?"
Guy 1: "Hit her again."

by Loogey October 29, 2017