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The greatest person you'll ever fucking see and that's not because that's my name OK??

Random girl 1: Omg Maxime's is so freaking cool!

by bonnejournee October 30, 2019


A Swiss guy OBSESSED with motorsport. He will spend hours explaining why cars aren't what they used to be.
He's also known for his particularly large penis and for being vocal about it.

«what do you think about the huracan man?»
Maxime: «it's nice but it just doesn't compare to a countach. I have a huge dick btw»

by Max72813 November 22, 2021


She is the dimond out of all the rocks in the crowd. She is very nice and funny also likes to annoy her bestie with her boy problems and mental breakdowns. When she chooses a bestie it is her ride or die. (No joke). This is a Belgian name btw. Did I mention that her rlly hot and gets all the guys? Oh heck yea she does. Goodbye

Maxime is hot and has a not hot bestie. YEET SAUCE

by CHEZZ102 April 19, 2019


The most beautiful girl inside and outside. She ish smart, cute and funny. Her eyes are stunning and in her heart, there is more place than in every ocean. She will always be there for you and you can‘t be sad by her side.

I‘m alone :(
There‘s a Maxime, go to her and you‘ll never be alone anymore.

by not your bebii January 20, 2018


Maximes are the best friends and girlfriends. They have an incredebly sweet laugh and smile and only looking at them will make your day. If a Maxime talks to you, use your chance and make her your friend - you won't regret it! Their unique style and hotness will make them slay every possible look - from casual sweatpants to heels and leather jackets. If your lucky enough to date a Maxime, you will be overwhelmed by the amount of love she gives you and her devotion. In bed, Maximes are the best lovers out there with a lot of passion and drive. They are forgiving but don't make them wait too long because they only deserve the best and will always go looking for it if you don't use your chance.

Boy 1: Look at that hot girl over there. She's so badasss!
Boy 2: She must be a Maxime.

by Spiessli January 23, 2019


Maxime is an amazing guy who never stops smiling. He is so hot in and out and is the most confident person.he is a loyal friend and he is the type of friend that you never want to lose. He can be quirky and awkward but is always funny and can make you laugh. He is sporty but is also a pro gamer. He is never shy, he is the best you can get. He will always have your back no matter what. he is charismatic and just such an amazing guy. Never let hem go as a friend, because you will be sorry.

Maxime is so hot !!

I want to be his gf

by Mini xixi November 22, 2021


A maxime is the best brother you can ever have. He plays minecraft and among us with you, helps you with beating that one boss you can’t kill in a game, and gives you very good advice. Even though he is a nasty 3 year old dogue, you still love him.

Person : Ugh, Maxime is a dogue.
Alicia : yes, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t a cool dogue.

by nothx November 25, 2020