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When a man speaks condescendingly to a woman on a matter he believes her to be ignorant of, when in fact his own knowledge of the subject is materially incomplete. The possibility that she may know more about the subject than he does is one that the mansplainer cannot fathom.

Note that simple a misunderstanding, that occurs without derogatory stereotyping or condescension, is not "mansplaining," regardless of the gender of the participants in the conversation.

Jim was mansplaining to Rebecca, an astrophysicist, what causes the tides. When Rebecca's friend tried to tell him Rebecca was an astrophysicist, Jim said, "Oh! You're boyfriend's an astrophysicist. I'd like to meet him."

by Truth is Healthy March 12, 2017

103๐Ÿ‘ 2699๐Ÿ‘Ž


(v.) 1. Random men giving unsolicited advice to women, even if the woman in question is an expert on the subject, because they feel entitled to tell everyone their way is better. When they force this unwanted, and most often unneeded, advice onto unsuspecting women in a way that demeans the woman's own intelligence, and is a peek into the man's misogynistic worldview.

Sarah was practicing her serve at a public tennis court to get back into shape for the season.
Random Man (begins mansplaining): I know exactly what is wrong with your serve sweetheart! Here! I'll show you!
Sarah's inner monologue: I've been playing tennis since I was four. I didn't come here to be mainsplained to, I came to improve myself.
Sarah walks away. The mansplainer follows unable to see that he is unwanted.

by This_is_a_real_story August 9, 2017

23๐Ÿ‘ 643๐Ÿ‘Ž


(of a man) explain (something) to someone, typically a woman, in a manner regarded as condescending or patronizing.

Tammy: "I hate how Sam doesn't pay attention to Abby when she's talking at lunch."

Tonya: Right?!?? He always has always been mansplaining everything that she says....

Tammy: As if she hasn't been here longer than her.

by VolicT@rt August 1, 2017

10๐Ÿ‘ 636๐Ÿ‘Ž


A a dudebro/fuckboy wants to explain something they definitely know Everythingโ„ข about, often adding false intellectual materials to pass off as superior.

Example of Mansplaining: " '5 girls back to back doesnโ€™t make me a lesbian'

Kinda makes it likely that you are more into girls than guys thoโ€™.

Guys are much more available as partners for women unless they are quite unattractive.

But letโ€™s imagine it was exactly equal that you would select a girl or a guy - that their sex genuinely was irrelevant, and that there was no difference in availability.

Iโ€™m rusty at maths, but from memory, the chance itโ€™s coincidence is

(1/(2^5)) *100%

= (1/32) *100%

= 0.03125 *100%


Feel free to correct my maths - itโ€™s been about 35 years now since i did probability.

But if i was a betting man - iโ€™m going to say my money is going to be on a woman for your next partner.

Maybe you are a lesbian, and maybe dudes need to know that so they donโ€™t get hurt? Just a thought."

-From Brett-caton.Tumblr.com

by GrumpSupport May 22, 2017

4๐Ÿ‘ 674๐Ÿ‘Ž


Mansplaining (MAN-splayn)

A condescendingly derisive term explain a manโ€™s attempt to give an opinion perceived to a woman (usually an uberfeminist) that that retort is condescending and derisive because of gender.

In a conversation I had with my brother-in-law, his ideas about my supposed inability to get a boyfriend was sheer Mansplaining. He thinks because heโ€™s a man, he knows whatโ€™s best for me, despite the comment he made about men are not ingredients on my list.โ€

by Somicpreacher November 6, 2017

3๐Ÿ‘ 602๐Ÿ‘Ž


Essentially when a man assumes a woman (sometimes a man) lacks knowledge in an area where she (or he) is known to be an expert

Me reading the other definitions of "mansplain": Wow, these all sound like they were written by men who have never experienced mansplaining themselves! Now, they're trying to explain what it is. CLASSIC mansplaining!!

2nd-year law student: I cannot believe Matt just mansplained me about the difference between prosecutors and defense attornies. This dude is referencing TV shows LMAO

by shhhhhhhlj January 27, 2018

556๐Ÿ‘ 154๐Ÿ‘Ž


When a man explains something to a woman, uninvited, about a topic she is either equally qualified or more qualified to talk on.

A male doctor explaining something to a female patient, for example, would not be mansplaining.

Examples: The guy who tried to tell Margaret Atwood about "The Handmaid's Tale", the guy who told Katie Mack, who has a PHD in Astrophysics, to "learn some science" because he thought climate change was a hoax, the man who tried to correct a woman about how to pronounce her own name correctly, an Englishman correcting a Welsh woman on her Welsh pronunciation.

See also Dunning-Kruger effect.

Look at this idiot trying to mansplain periods to women... he thinks women only have nine periods a year... wait 'til you hear his lecture on how to insert a tampon correctly!

by Jorgs August 2, 2019

201๐Ÿ‘ 56๐Ÿ‘Ž