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A high-test tequila margarita infused with a potent THC Tincture (Alcohol or Glycerine based). Packs a punch, but maintains THC mellowness w/o overbearing agressive nature of tequila.

Derived Origin:
Moto- Mexican slang for Marijuana
Marg- Traditional Mexican Beverage

2 parts Tequilla
1 part Orange Liquor (Cointreau, Grand-Ma, Citronage, Tripple Sec, ect.)
1 part fresh squeezed lime (sugar?)
? part THC Tincture (based on potency...Less can always be more)

Optional Ingredients (select 1-2)
Splash Simple Syrup
Splash Orange Juice
Splash (Hefeweizen, Blonde or similar unfiltered beer)

This Moto-Marg totally ripped my dome, but i gotta go hit the head and drain the main vein.

by Mixologist (Level Vorpal) July 5, 2012