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A perfect storm of all things macho in a gym.

1. That bodybuilder keeps slamming the 20lb dumbells and either grunting or moaning in between sets, what a masshole.

2. That masshole marked his territory by leaving his gallon jug of water by the squat rack he was using to do curls in.

3. Why is that masshole mean muggin me between sets. She must be roid raging.

by TKO-RichStone April 1, 2017

Masshole Moto

1: We may be lost but we're makin' good time!

2: Anyone from MASS who likes gettin dirty in the garage, Make their own parts, Do their own work and putting together any type of death trap that can sling them down the road in a dangerous fashion and a high rate of speed.-eg. motorcycles, hot rods, minibikes, lead sleds,a fuckin moped,ect..

3: Would rather party in the garage than watch T.V. in the house.

4: Fuck Cunts!

5: Fuck ya if you can't take a joke!

Holly shit! Those Masshole Moto dudes just ripped though here on they're scoots, did some burn out's drank all the beer and picked up all the chicks.

Them fellas at Masshole Moto can build some sick shit!

by El P. November 21, 2011

Masshole Summit

Tourists from Massachusetts to Portland Maine are often faced with the maze of one-way roads on non-parallel roadways. As the end destination is usually the Promenade at the top of the hill, many a Masshole has given up in frustration and driven up the hill going the wrong way on one of the smaller residential roads. The trepidation seen in these cars mimics an adventurer reaching a summit. The nickname resulted.

"Don't take that road, I saw someone turn onto it from the other end. Though you can if you wanna watch another one complete the Masshole Summit."

by justsomerandomdude123585346 July 11, 2018