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Pulled a McCain

To throw a hail mary pass when three seconds are left on the clock.

John pulled a McCain when he selected a running mate no one has ever heard of solely based on the fact that she had a vagina and a Bible

by Welcome President Obama September 2, 2008

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eyepatch mccain

When Tucker Carlson on Fox "News" insults a war veteran that lost his eye and wears an eye patch Dan Crenshaw. Another fine example of Trump, MAGA, FOX "NEWS", and Tucker Carlson insulting veterans. Remember when he made Pete Davidson apologize?

Tucker Carlson "It takes a lot of gall for EYEPATCH MCCAIN to attack moms that are worried about baby formula..."
Tulsi Gabbard *CRICKETS*

Dan Crewnshaw "You do realize I lost my eye during combat right? I thought you loved veterans?"
The left wing in America "Tucker hates veterans bruh, welcome to the club"
Pete Davidson " UGHHH...?"

by Trumpflation_$12eggs_$6gas May 19, 2022

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Pulled a McCain

To go and be a jerk to the people that helped you in the past.

Brad didn't give Heather the position he promised her on the student council, citing his reason as "She is a complete idiot". He pulled a McCain on her.

by starwar1 August 3, 2008

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John McCain

1: adjective; to figuratively straddle the fence on an issue (like politics or sports)
2: noun; to literally staddle a fence, using the fence pole to stimulate the female genitalia

1: Mark: I can't decide whether to give my girl a Birmingham Booty Call, or a Change Machine.
Randy: Dude, quit being a John McCain and just give her a Pensacola Payphone.
2: Dude, I just drove by a girl giving herself a John McCain. She was pretty hefty; I think the fence was about to break.

by Cleveland, Puncher of Donkeys April 11, 2010

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coffee grain mccain

Something that is incredibly awesome, great, or in any case very good. The term is synonymous to awesome sauce mccoy.

Woah, man! That was coffee grain mccain!

Yeah, it was awesome sauce mccoy.

by Kikkomaso April 7, 2009

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Lame Duck McCain

Used to describe John McCain's likely one term candidacy for President... a reference to Chuck Norris movie "Lone Wolf McQuade"...

You can only wonder what kind of hell will come from a single term of Lame Duck McCain...

by Jared L. Ohlinger March 11, 2008

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John McCain Syndrome

When you decide to do something when your to old and forget what you had for breakfast. And expect to run the country, so thus you have John McCain Syndrome.

"Issac did you see Spencer speak today up on the stand, he must have John McCain Syndrome the way he was forgetting his speech and mumbling about his many houses."

by Parker James March 3, 2009

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