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Dank Memer

A frog that is ugly and is used on discord it is popular bot its a bad bot DONT USE IT PLEASE DONT USE IT its a good bot but only for people who are good i recommend bro bot

How much money do you have on dank memer

I have like 3.2bil net

by someone who definitely has a l February 15, 2022

Sarcastic Memer

The Messiah of normies. Someone who thinks one liner tweets are memes. Someone who acts annoyed at things they don't understand and makes videos expressing their annoyance by using Snapchat filters.

Person 1 : Did you hear about Suresh?

Person 2 : Yes he's a Sarcastic Memer now. He just made a video about how people who use Bruh are just people who want to look cool and Lavanya from South Delhi retweeted it!

Person 1 : OMG! I'll go offer him my anus now!

by Kai-.- February 10, 2021

Dank Memer Dan

any dank memer who can ascend to the next level of memeing (or if you like dank memes and your name is dan)

1. a memer
2. a dank memer
3. a dank memer dan
4. a meme god
5. a meme lord

by BAMDistortion July 2, 2019

Memer Girlfriend

A legendary form of woman, who are already rare, which has sufficient knowledge of all memes and uses meme references. This form is also willing to be your girlfriend, but only found in Switzerland.

Oh my god! i got a Memer Girlfriend!

by Coffee-bot January 14, 2023


Memer is short for a small content creator memeloverlmho or memeloverlmao

1. Hey! did you know that i like Memer!?
2.Memer, wanna hang out?

by noiceboiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii March 13, 2022


It's the funni boi

Person1: amogus
Person2: im dying of laughter
Person3: What a funni memer

by NotFUnnidUd May 11, 2021


A person, usually introverted and posts depression stopping stuff on the internet. This depression stopping stuff comes in many genres. Wholesome, Boomer, Millennial, Gen Z, Modern, 2010 and dark.

Make meme, post meme, be memer.

by ChickenCid123 February 23, 2021