When there is a chemical reaction in the body that sets off electrons to the sack letting you know there is pussy within a 4 mile radius
Oh God my poon meter is going g off there is ponn out there . i.m on the hunt bitches
This is a measurement used for how when you want to know the depth you have in a girl.
Phillip , get me the penis meter right now.
smeeter meter- a term like "gaydar" when you can just tell that someone has a small dick. like the term "smeet" that means you have a small dick.
right as i saw this faggot tyler, my smeeter meter went off. i knew he was a smeet.
Someone who has a habit or tendency to compare people or things.
She seems a comparo-meter to me as she always compares you with her past boyfriends.
Ability to use an enhanced special move on the videogame 'Injustice'. Has been adapted for use when somebody does something athletically amazing.
*Man does 500kg deadlift
Bro in the gym: Meter burn!
Putting coins into a parking meter.
Albert was feeding the meter before he attended the volunteer soup kitchen brunch. Afterward he found a whole pot of broth poured into his gas tank. Epic homeless fail.
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