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Micro Penis

A penis so small that anyone who saw one would laugh hysterically. 3 inches or smaller in erect size. Very puny and pathetic looking. Maybe not even visible, or just a head of a penis visible.

My dick is a very very small dick. 2.5 inches in length when erect. Ive always had a tiny penis and have always been laughed at and ridiculed. I cant really have sex because its too small, and because women wont have sex with me cos they cant feel anything. All of this is because i have a micro penis!

by gaz1 November 18, 2005

196πŸ‘ 104πŸ‘Ž

uber micro

Above all, the masterful skill of keyboard management (in RTS or abstractly for every game requiring typeing skills).

That noob has no uber micro. his micro is not uber.
The "ownerer" has the uberest micro of them all.

by sooka5 September 28, 2005

231πŸ‘ 128πŸ‘Ž


Someone who talks so fast that one cannot understand their words.

The Galoob micro machine man. Chris A.

by Compliance June 1, 2006

10πŸ‘ 180πŸ‘Ž

micro cheating

Micro-cheating. Small things in a relationship that makes your S.O mad but not enough to breakup with you. Talking to other girls/boys, hugging others, etc. Just be careful, if you keep micro cheating it’ll all add up and be gone...

Hey, dude. Careful talking too other girls and sending them selfies. All that micro cheating will catch up to you.

by bigtittythick69420 November 15, 2018

17πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


The action of passing another vehicle extremely slow

Semi truck had a line of cars behind it while it was micro-passing another semi truck

by Mikefrombestbuy472 February 19, 2019


a short-lived trend influenced by social media

"Do not buy cargo skirts. Those are just a micro-trend influenced by social media."

by netaiszooted February 27, 2023

Micro - Peak

When you're having a good time, and break the barrier into euphoria just for a second.

Jerry was in the taxi on the way to club and his fucking favourite song came on. He 'Micro - Peak'ed.

by Micropeaker121 May 24, 2017