“Hey, that’s my Mohammad Ahmed!”
“Omg, that dog is so cute! What breed is it?”
“It’s a Mohammad Ahmed”
The most sexiest guy you will ever meet. Such a nice human. All looking slick and pulling ever girl. Probably the best human alive, A handsome intelligent lovable man. He is loyal and confident at times. He is very social with people and will make other people comfortable around him. He is caring and will be very nice if you give him the same energy back. Abdurahman can be violent when you push him. A gentleman , who's unique . Once he loves, he loves with his all with no doubt . He would risk his life for you. He has an amazing personality with the most loving heart ever . He'll always be your shoulder to cry on and your extra ear to listen no matter what. He would never judge you . And his the super hero every girl would love to have.
Girl: you’re so cool like Mohammad abdurrahman but obvious not as cool
The most sexiest guy you will ever meet. Such a nice human. All looking slick and pulling ever girl. Probably the best human alive. A great motivator and a really down to earth person. But always carries traditional values and doesn’t adapt to modern society. And is trust worthy, A handsome intelligent lovable man. He is loyal and confident at times. He is very social with people and will make other people comfortable around him. He is caring and will be very nice if you give him the same energy back. Abdurahman can be violent when you push him.
Girl: you’re so perfect like Mohammad abdurrahman but obvious not as loyal.
Mohammad hadi is a beautiful boys name. Mohammad hadi may seem cold and arrogant, but once you get to know him, you realize he has a golden heart full of love and soft emotions. So you should really consider yourself lucky if he let you in. he is fascinated by logic and actual facts. Mohammad hadi is a great helper. you always know he is there, if you get into any trouble. pretty much all you got to do, is to show him how good he is at all stuff and appreciate his work and effort. Don't worry! You never have to lie! He's a great lover and so sexy at times. Just try not to lose Mohammad hadi if you get one:)
Mohammad hadi is a great person.
Like Muhammad from the Quran , Slept with 9 year old Aisha. mohammadism means supporting pedophilic acts involving minors “mohammadism”
Nah bro Jeffrey Epstein would do mohammadism rituals in this private island with children
I love Mohammad he is the most perfect bestfriend / twin / brother / dad and everything
He's a one out of billions of people nobody can be him. And nobody can replace his place in my heart hes the top best people among everyone that I ever knew he's so precious to me
He's funny and cute and amazing and such a respectful man. Moreover, he's smart without even trying to be he's so strong mentally and physically he is the bestfriend everyone wishes to have yet I was the luckiest out of all to be his friend.
I'm so glad i posted that embarrassing post because I've met him from it
He always compliments me and tells me how pretty I am
. He makes me feel truly loved and cared for, I want to take all of his sadness away
He always comforts me when I feel low
I love him I love his personality I enjoy stuff he likes I enjoy seeing him talk i enjoy his amazing music taste I enjoy sharing music with him I enjoy his conversations I enjoy seeing him happy I enjoy him complimenting me I enjoy him comforting me I enjoy seeing him talk well about him self and I enjoy that he feels safe with me and always opens up to me whenever he can't handle it. I love his two beautiful moles on his nose. Sadly this website doesn't make me talk about all of my love for him
"Mohammad (my lovely bestfriend and twin) is the most perfect man!".
Mohammad is a shy guy but people call him snake .
He’s name from a town in Egypt call enshas.
He’s very clever an example of this :He went to buy a trainers he asked the seller if it for running or walking .
Yo guess who I met today !
Oh mohammad enshasy.