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A cult formed by a bunch of guys who said "Dude, wouldn't it be cool if we could pass around each others daughters and hump them? Of course to do this correctly we would need multiple wives and encourage lots of child bearing so at least a few hot girls would come out of it. Oh yeah and we have to brainwash these chicks from birth that god says you have to marry and have sex with Uncle Phil"

This cult was literally so repulsive and dangerous that it was driven out of every community they tried to settle in until they had to go to the closest unsettled place that would take them (Utah)

For cult members the Mormon people sure seem real nice though

by snausages333 October 23, 2006

186๐Ÿ‘ 202๐Ÿ‘Ž


A nicer way to tell someone their retarded.

Dude 1: Your a Mormon!

Dude 2: What the fetch?

by Abongnamedbowser February 13, 2010

187๐Ÿ‘ 208๐Ÿ‘Ž


The most rediculous religion!!!!!!!! The shit they do is hella funny.

Go back to Utah you stupid Mormon. Come back when you're normal.

by Anthony's friend Frankie December 7, 2006

179๐Ÿ‘ 198๐Ÿ‘Ž


A religious group that knows more about what they believe than you do. So shut up about it already.

Non-Mormon: Mormons believe aliens will come to earth and enslave us all. They're a crazy cult
Mormon: No, we don't believe that. Why don't you do some actual research before you open your big, stupid mouth

by The Tankster April 19, 2011

80๐Ÿ‘ 80๐Ÿ‘Ž


mormon = really fucking hard to be a best man to one

''bloody hell1 i have to give a speach and all 200 of em are stone cold sober, shit!''

by gribbler June 30, 2005

123๐Ÿ‘ 134๐Ÿ‘Ž


A Mormon is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day saints. It happens to be the fastest growing church in the United States history. The church places a large emphasis on the importance of family and community through the teachings of Jesus Christ. Mormons AKA The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day saints are christians that follow the teachings of the Bible (King James), The Book of Mormon, The Doctorine and Covenants, The Pearl of Great Price, and revelation given through modern day prophets. The LDS church and mormons have persucated since its organization in the mid 1800's because of misconceptions by non-mormons. Their first latter day prophet Joseph Smith was murdered by Illinois by a mob of non-mormons. The Mormons where forced to
flee for their lives. They traveled from Illinois to the west and settled most of Northern Arizonia, Idaho, Utah, and parts of other western states. Many mormons are still persecuated because of misconceptions of the outside public. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day saints do not support polygamy.
( If you do not believe me look in the books I mentioned and try to find one place that says they do! I bet you cant!)
Mormons are not forced and most are not peer pressured into serving
2 year mission. They volunteer to go anywhere the church sends them and pay their own way! I for one did not serve a mission. I have never been in poor standing with the church and their is no scripture that says you cannot make it to the
"terrestial Kingdom" or any ohter kingdom as one the other authors put it. I now wish I would have served a mission- what a great experence would it had been to dedicate every moment to our heavenly father and his children (that means you)! Mormons do have temples! Temples are places where members are married, or go to make sacred promises to god that they will strive to live rightously and follow the example of christ. A good place to learn about mormon beliefs is through mormons, otherwise you may hear all sorts of "weird" misconceptions.

We love the Mormons!!!!

by Bigboythe 43 March 23, 2006

264๐Ÿ‘ 305๐Ÿ‘Ž


A terrible sham of a cult. Not Christian by any standards. A member of the LDS church beleives that they will become a God just like the one of earth. Do not ever take anything these people take seriously. If you want to piss one off, ask them what goes in in the temple and what their temple name is among other things. They beleive that Christ does not atone for their sins fully and that by their own doing they will be equal to God.

Wow Bob, these mormons multiply like rabbits!
Everyone lock your doors, the mormons are coming.

by Bringem young and bringem often April 19, 2005

204๐Ÿ‘ 234๐Ÿ‘Ž