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1. A follower of the religion of Islam.

My friend Adam is a Muslim.

by USA!1 December 15, 2015

700πŸ‘ 1133πŸ‘Ž


Muslims are people who follow the monotheistic religion of Islam. They are not a satanic cult that want to wipe Christianity and Judaism off this planet, no. Instead, they are normal, peaceful people just like everyone else who wake up, drink coffee, go to work, spend time with family. These are the REAL Muslims. FAKE Muslims are those assholes who brainwash young guys to blow shit up (Osama). Those guys just happen to be terrorists, and same goes for the assholes blowing stuff up in the 90s, those guys just happen to be white. I'm not trying to turn you against anybody, so don't go and somehow tie bad stuff with me. What people say about the Quran, the holy book of Islam, is not true at all. First off, over three fourths of them don't even know what the fuck the Quran says, and looks up translations from the Internet, which is also filled with bullshit about Islam. Come to think of it, those terrorists are like the rednecks of America, they are unedumacated, they always blow something up, and they have the worst accent in their languages. If you hear a normal Arabian girl, say in Dubai, talk, there is a 99.99% chance you will jizz your pants. Same with a normal American girl, you hear them talk, you jizz your pants (I don't know about you, but I'm a sucker for voices). But anyways, yeah, that's pretty much what you need to know. Lets summarize this shit, Muslims are not all terrorists, just like all other races.

White guy: Hey dude look at that Muslim over there, lets stay away from him.
White guy 2: Yeah man, seriously, those guys are cool as shit, just talk to them for a while.
Brown guy: Im used to this bro.
Asian guy: I berieve that from our position, China is exactly 45* West of us.

by Lover of All 69 April 29, 2013

200πŸ‘ 307πŸ‘Ž


I will not repeat the obvious but give a personal experience of muslims and their religion. I have a friend from Malasya, she is muslim, and the sweetest girl I ever met. She wears her veil on her head and is proud of the purity she stands for. she discussed with me world peace and she is nothing but a loving caring person. she works her rear off to send money back to her family and studies hard to do so. she has no selfish bone in her body and still knows how to have fun. she doesn't eat meat and we always prepared meat free foods for her as well as other americans in the group who didnt eat meat. she is open minded, kind, shares everything, and tries so hard to adapt to being with foreigners as well as keeping up her religious routine.

My friend is a muslim and I wish there were more people like her.

by m0u5y January 3, 2006

3373πŸ‘ 5754πŸ‘Ž


The literal definition of the word Muslim is β€œone who submits,”

Meaning one who submits to one, unique, incomparable, and singular God, believing in Him and obeying His commandments.

Whose name in Arabic is "Allaah", literally meaning "The God".

Muslims believe

in the angels created by Him;

in the prophets through whom His revelations were brought to mankind;

in God's complete authority over human destiny, and

in life after death.

Muslims believe in a chain of prophets (may the peace and blessings of Allaah be upon them all) starting with

Adam and including Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Job, Moses, Aaron, David, Solomon, Elias, Jonah, John the Baptist and Jesus, peace be upon them.

God's final message to man, a reconfirmation of the eternal message and a summing-up, synopsis, and perfection of all that has gone before was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad , peace be upon him, the last prophet, through the angel Gabriel.

Prophet (peace be upon him) said:

β€œEvery child is born upon the natural way (Muslim). Then its parents make it a Jew, a Christian, or a Zoroastrian. Just like an animal gives birth to a compete animal. Do you ever see one that is born amputated?” SahΔ«h al-BukhārΔ« (1385, 4775)

So direct your face toward the religion, inclining to truth. Adhere to the fitrah of Allah upon which He has created all people. No change should there be in the creation of Allah . That is the correct religion, but most of the people do not know. Quran 30:30

by slave of lord May 28, 2012

302πŸ‘ 530πŸ‘Ž


A religion very similar to Christianity. Regardless, conservative Christians in the U.S. discriminate against Muslims and preach the delusion that they are all terrorists, because U.S. propaganda nationalist news teaches them this. The U.S. government aids Israel in slaughtering the Palestinians, so other Arab and Muslim countries near Israel think the U.S. is composed of barbarians. Then the U.S. invades middle eastern countries near Israel, and it makes the U.S. look even worse, so the Muslims near the region hate on the U.S. even more. Meanwhile, nationalist news in the U.S. discriminates against Muslims, so that invasions by the U.S. seem justified.

Muslims are not stone age terrorists though. A majority of Malaysia is Muslim, and Malaysia is a modern civilized society that has an unemployment rate of about 3%. The United States unemployment rate is about triple that.

Most of the United Arab Emirates is Muslim, and they have one of the most beautiful cities in the world: Dubai. The world's largest sky scraper is in Dubai.

Fox News: "Muslims are terrorists, they want to kill Americans because they are jealous of our Capitalist greed, our V8 engines, our pop music, and our obsession with materialism and vanity."


(U.S. drops bombs on Pakistan killing countless civilians, with the excuse of fighting terrorism)
Pakistan Citizen: "I wish the white devil would go home and stop invading our country and killing our people. Now my mother in law will never leave, because they bombed her house. DAMN YOU AMERICA!"

by FuzzFoot April 3, 2012

291πŸ‘ 518πŸ‘Ž


someone who believes in God, the angels, the Last Day (aka the day of judgment) who also believes in messengers sent throughout time to different nations, including Jesus, with Mohammad being the final one. They do not attribute divinity to men, although some sects may have questionable pratices, these are innovations and influenced by culture or other sources. For the most part they are seen as a threat to liars or profits, hence why there is alot of negative propoganda surrounding them. Those behind the islamophobic movement harness the power of racist members of society. But, alas, haters gonna hate.

your muslim dentist/teacher/fellow commuter/sister or brother's friend/that guy or girl from work who is middle eastern/black/white/chinese etc.

by fan of cake July 25, 2012

289πŸ‘ 517πŸ‘Ž


A person who believes in a religion. And then there are the fucking morons who think terrorists are muslims.

0mg m3slimms ar3 terr0rists

muslims aren't bad people..

by that blonde girl down the road April 16, 2018

173πŸ‘ 300πŸ‘Ž