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Narc but with ''issist"

example is not important....Narcissist

by MonkeyBalls 8=) September 15, 2021


This shit will never came out LMAO

Friend 1 : what is Narcissist
Friend 2 : one of Playboi Carti Numerous lies

by QuandaleDinglefan June 6, 2022


1. The act of excessively indulging in self-centered or egotistical behavior, especially in social situations or when interacting with others. Often involves monopolizing conversations, constantly seeking attention, or disregarding others' feelings or opinions.

2. Using social media or other platforms to excessively promote oneself or one's achievements, often to the point of annoyance or alienation of others.

3. Engaging in manipulative, self-centered behavior during a divorce process, often characterized by unreasonable demands, lack of empathy towards the spouse, and using the situation to gain attention or sympathy from others.

"I stopped inviting Jeff to parties; he's always narcissisting, making everything about him."

"His Instagram is just non-stop narcissisting. Every post is a selfie or a humble brag."

"Going through a divorce with him is exhausting. He's constantly narcissisting, turning every negotiation into a drama, making petty demands, exerting control, controlling the narrative and disregarding the impact on the kids or me."

by gretav2 October 31, 2023


A person who displays mad skillz at being a sick cunt and isn't from stab city.

I saw a feen in the post office the other day, he was so narcissistic and lethal

by Justice4harambae2314567526 December 22, 2016


Someone who believes they are superior to others and deserve special treatment, while simultaneously being deceptive and lacking empathy.

"She usually takes a trip to get away from her ex-narcissistic partner."

by eejhen February 1, 2022


Harry styles

“The beautiful, the talented, the narcissistic Harry styles

by watermelonsalt November 27, 2021


A name your mother didn't call you.

Sarcastic mother- No my darling, you're not narcissistic, you're selfless and only think of others. I can't say anything negative about you.

by Solid Mantis February 7, 2018