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yk fam, just the same as nigga, a black person says it to his homie but when some white dude with some balls says it it's even deeper shit than nigga

Some white dude: Wsg my nigger

Black dude: Ayo? u aint white my g

by Unknown Random. January 24, 2021

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by nigeriaman December 22, 2022

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A song released by Swedish rock band 'Clawfinger' in 1993 as part of their album 'Deaf Dumb Blind'.

Ironically, the band is said to follow an Anti-racist and Anti-political theme with their music. The name of the song is in laughable contradiction of this claim, though.

"Hey, have you heard that one song from Clawfinger? It's called Nigger!"

"Wait, it's called what!?"

by urbandictionaryn00b 69434285 January 2, 2023

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A word specifically created and originally almost exclusively used to insult Africans. Ironically, it is nowadays mostly used by that same group as an almost endearing term to refer to themselves and their associates (though usually with an altered spelling and pronunciation). The word is extremely taboo to even say in American culture. Being accused of even writing the word as a non-African (especially if you're White) is enough to damage a career severely. However, the internet seems to only care about those in western countries who use the word and not the other incredibly racist regions of the planet such as East Asia, who can't even get along with those in the country next to them. Let alone someone from another continent. In short, don't use this word if you're white and live in western Europe or the United States. If you're black though, enjoy the knowledge that racist hicks who cry over you being able to live a decent life can have a good laugh whenever they see those they hate call themselves by the same slurs used to degrade them in a misguided attempt at verbal revanchism. Just let the word die already.

"You fucking Nigger!"
-DJ Keemstar

by Garland Boy June 20, 2022

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A violent black male or women

Hey that’s a nigger

by Anonymous 12345567890 June 28, 2022

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Suing Kanye West for defamation, when he is speaking facts about lil boy g floydie. Get rolled lol bot floyd.

The daughter of George Floyd is a Nigger bro!

by topg88 October 19, 2022

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In short, it's a derogative term for an african slave.

Jones: Quantavious is a Nigger.
Dave: No, he's just black.

by Ambassing January 27, 2023

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