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A system of collectivist social order based on the idea that the individual is an expendable commodity of society, the State, or a fictitious "greater good" or "greater whole." Absolute order with no chaos, variation, or freedom. Equal to or worse than fascism. Philosophy that contradicts nature yet claims to be defending the environment. Prevalent use of scapegoating, coercion, secret police, taxation, and expropriation.

Snivelling sycophants of this philosophy will use pro-worker rhetoric to gain the trust of the working class. Sameness and equality are not the same thing.

Kim Jong Il's police state proves that communism is all about absolute order.

by Iggy Hazard December 13, 2003

152๐Ÿ‘ 182๐Ÿ‘Ž


Politically correct term for Tyranny,Oligarchy,Slavery.

Communism is instant Oligarchy,instant Tyranny,instant Slavery,instant mass murder and genocide.

Communism is instant Dictatorship!!

by FUCK COMMUNISM November 10, 2004

75๐Ÿ‘ 83๐Ÿ‘Ž


An ideological economic/governmental/philosophical system. The 1950-1990 scapegoat for american conflict. A system of government which takes form each according to his ability and gives each according to his need.

Contary to common belief:

There has never been a communist nation. Socialism isn't communism because it doesn't stress revolution, rather communist'esque reforms. The term soviet best describes most of the previous 'communist' nations, as soviet is a progressional communist state (becoming communist)

Communism ISN'T like facism. They are political opposites. Facists support the upper-class and privitisation.

Communism has NOTHING to do with dictators, there have been many democratic systems that have been communist (e.g. Chille)

The comunist nations haven't collapsed because they are essentially flawed, they have collapsed because they have been met with massive opposition from the upper class (Who controls the capitalist nations) and basically killed.

Economically communism (a planned/command economy) can be very powerful, any comparison however is poor because we don't have a communist world with a few capitalist nations to compare our's to.

Generally dismissed on the grounds of "Good in theory, bad in practice" This statement is a conclusion, not an argumnet guys. By definition something that is 'good in theory' is 'good in practice' or it is in fact 'bad in theory'

"Mom, I'm goin' off to kill them hippie communists with my shot-gun!"

Any Commmunist is someone who strives for the betterment of man, true allturism.

Communism needs democracy as the human body needs oxygen

by Communist March 29, 2006

109๐Ÿ‘ 125๐Ÿ‘Ž


Utopian ideals of a society where true wealth -the means of production- belong to the public, and the products' quality advances not by the need in market, but by sheer willpower to make a better world. Thus utopian.

Russia during Stalin's reign is a perfect example of actually existing communism. It had nothing to do with theoretical communism which is based on a notional society.

by Phoebus June 6, 2004

51๐Ÿ‘ 56๐Ÿ‘Ž


an absolute joke of an ideology with an annoying fanbase of edgy western kids. it has been rejected by most economists as a dogshit ideology that goes against human nature. wherever it has been tried people have been worse off and most people from former communist countries loathe it. even though it claims that it would give the means of production to workers it has been transferred to the state instead. its terrible in both theory and practice. capitalism is certainly not the best system but it is far better than communism. many communists claim that true communism has never been tried and I would say they're in denial

communism sucks, its a fact

by ihatecommunism March 22, 2022

11๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


An idealistic way of life based on the concept that everyone is equal. It probably was first used in early Christian communities, and was popularized by many famous thinkers, like Marx. Because of inherent "flaws" of human nature, communism remains an impossible utopian standard to this day.
It is sometimes used incorrectly to classify certain countries that are simply dictatorial or socialist, not communist.

I would rather live in a capitalist country than in a communist one.

by da-pho December 8, 2004

50๐Ÿ‘ 55๐Ÿ‘Ž


System of government where everyone is equal and all private property is abolished and given to the government. Sounds like a good idea, but it kinda fails when you notice that a doctor is getting paid the same wage as a janitor and you just surrendered all of your power and property to the government, who can do whatever the hell they want with it.

It's amazing that; despite the fact that all attempts at Communism have resulted in failure and often the slaughter of millions of innocent people, people still support its crackpot ideology.

Equality is not the same as fairness.

by Kikira June 14, 2008

34๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž