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organic portal

A person who serves no purpose other than to eat and shit.
A moron. A shithead. A fuckstick. An idiot. A dumbass.

That dude Ed is nothing but an organic portal.

by wrenchingking January 16, 2012

38๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

organic chemistry

A class that rapes the shit out of you and your GPA. Learn useful things like deprotonating your mom and what not to do after college

The organic chemistry did me in the butt and I bent over for it.

by Kbad December 5, 2006

750๐Ÿ‘ 73๐Ÿ‘Ž


when your room looks neat and clean, but in reality under your couch/bed, and in your closet (or other hiding nooks) is an absolute atrocity. usually occurs with people who were once organized but no longer have the time anymore.

"your room doesn't even look any different after 8 hours?"
"hah nope because usually my room is fake-organized but there is a ton of crap under my couch and in my closet..but no its 'real'-organized"

by holymoleydood August 7, 2009

98๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pipe Organ

A musical instrument of the keyboard family that is generally built into a large building such as a cathedral or large concert hall.
The sound is produced by pressing the keys which causes air to be blown through pipes of different lengths. The large pipes can make some of the best soul shakeing bass. The original sub-woofer

We went to mass and the pipe organ rocked...the entire church!

by sound_calc_man July 21, 2005

96๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

organic straight

preference of the opposite sex with the exclusion of transgender people and fake genders.

Ken is an organic straight dude.

by organic_straight_dude March 9, 2021

organized stalking

Organized stalking can include some of the most insidious and diabolical acts one human can perpetrate on another (because it is evil and beyond the comprehension of those who have never witnessed or experienced such malice). In a long term stalking, with the ultimate intent being the demise of the target, organized stalking can include a "romantic" involvement, romantic on the part of the target, but certainly not on the part of the perpetrator. I have recently experienced these things first hand and I can tell you, the betrayal by someone you have come to love, more than anything, is enough to put you over the edge, especially when you realize the betrayal included your death. It is truly the most sociopathic of behaviours. You are more easily led to the slaughter, even by "volunteering", if the romantic i.e. addiction is intense enough, usually of course sexual and perhaps intensified by substance abuse and enhanced by catering to any fetishes, the rarer the better.
There are "cults" that revel in the ultimate goal, blood sacrifice, as it empowers them in a demonic way, which is the goal. This process may begin long, long before the final act, sometimes years, when it is well organized, as it must be done very carefully, so as to be successful and the perpetrators not be exposed. On the flip side, the "pay off" must be tremendous for so many to be involved and so much time and energy invested.

Organized stalking is used to intimidate and debilitate.

by ScaredNDC March 30, 2017

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Organization XIII

A fictional group of fictional humanoid creatures known as 'Nobodies' within the video game of Kingdom Hearts. They are beings without hearts, and have banded together in an attempt to get their hearts back. Each wear a black trenchcoat with a hood, and have a signature weapon and element. Whether they are 'evil' or not is up for debate. They lack hearts, and thus are incapable of feeling any emotions such as remorse.

Also, they are probably the only 'villains' (for lack of a better term) in history to have a bigger fanbase than the main characters. They're names are all anograms of their original names with an 'x' added.

Organization XIII is awesome.

by Gruntlord January 2, 2007

232๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž