A game or media is trash but the hentai is godly
League just doesn't have the same appeal as back in the day, all it has left is the overwatch problem.
The servers of which the game Overwatch runs on.
Overwatch servers where not found.
A concept for a healer in the original lineup of overwatch which never made it into the game.
Imagine what the current comp scene would look like with that one healer they almost added.
Who? Grendel (Overwatch)?
some sort of guardians sent by the aliens called the combine to control the people after humanity lost the 7 hour war. the cowardly monkey ass ASSass called wallace breen allied with them and became the administrator of earth. he kinda is the ambassador nobody asked for. under his control, there are the combine overwatch. they are police people that prevent people from rebelling. they do it anyway. they only exist in the half-life franchise. (francheese? french fries? fuck it, idk how to spell that)
barney is pretending to be a combine overwatch guy to secretly help citizen and spy the combine.
Rein: OMG look mercy it's WINTON. Winton: Did you bring the peanut butter? Winton overwatch is a monkey
Overwatch is a game publidhed in 2016. Many people say its a bad game just cause SOME ppl are salty. But since the update with social stuff came I havent seen toxic ppl so much. Overwatch has events where u can get exlusive items and play fun gamemodes. Except for summer games wich was the same 4 times in a row. They have amazing Stories for the heros in overwatch. U can watch videos and read comics about it. Its a much more well done game Than fortnite and has so much more to Give. U can see how the hero walks by looking at the weapon its holding. Every character is different and some is harder to play Than Others. Its a really fun game and I personaly love it. If u havent decided if u are going to play it or not u can test it at the free weeks ^^ Just don’t be mean. And don’t pick Hanzo. XD jk. Just try it out if u hate fortnite but still wanna play a shooting game. Or idk.
(Spelling is bad ik)
Please don’t write hate too me this is my opinion. :3
My classmates: I’m sooo tired of fortnite
Me: try Overwatch
My classmate: whyyyyy
Me: shows this cause I’m the best