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Boatshoes Peterson

Something to call someone when they're being super gay.

Joey: Yo Chad, that guy is a real Boatshoes Peterson!
Chad: Yeah, look at him go!

by Kenny the Tiger July 10, 2018

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Cordell Peterson

A happy-go-lucky person that can shine your door everytime he talks to you. He doesn't care who you are, as long he gets the equal respect that he wants from you, just don't pull up his relationships because he can talk about it for days.

He may be happy, but he is a very closed person when it comes to his depression. He rather not talk about it so don't force him. Not alone he needs love from everybody, because he watch anime in his room alone. He also have so many exs that want him back because he was the only nicest person to let them run all over him. He doesn't the true definition of love, so he will date anyone that who loves him back.

Plus, he is also depressed, easily. He doesn't show it in school or any other places because he doesn't want to worry people close from him. But at home, he cries in his sleep, not loudly but sliently. All he cries about his fear of being forgotten or not being loved enough to feel not worthless. So, if you see him online or at any other places, talk to him.

"Hey, you are a very cool person, Cordell Peterson!"

"Haha! Thanks, you too!"

by sf-leafy January 22, 2019

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Curtis Peterson

A word often used to describe a shemale with a small dick and large tits. In real life they should never be approached.

Did you see that Curtis Peterson on PornHub's Porn Of The Week?

by halmm July 19, 2016

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Scott Peterson

fucking dick who murdered his wife and unborn child because he was secretly a fag

dude 1: did you hear about Scott Peterson?
dude 2: yeah, what a fucking dick!

by puss eater July 27, 2009

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Peterson Punch

To shut down an angry, extreme feminist with pure logic, words only, non-physical. (No women were harmed in the making of this statement)

I was speaking to this girl at the bar and she started bringing up loads of extreme feminist views, so I gave her a Peterson Punch.

by NomadWordMaker January 8, 2021

Gus Peterson

Gus Peterson is gay and lives in west orange New Jersey.

You are being a Gus Peterson rn.

by Sex_Noises December 1, 2019

terrance peterson

A damn beast.

My name is Terrance Peterson

by A damn beast. December 3, 2017