Torko Gang - TRK13
Tokoku Gang(TKK), most knownly as Torko Gang(TRK) made by a filipino student nicknamed a "Boss B" it was discovered at September 13, 2018 in the Philippines, Bahong, La Trinidad, Benguet with 146 members and 3 groups. It is a school gang made by students, TRK is a group of street kids and students mostly located in Benguet, Tomay, Anoding, and Bahong. TRK was a organization where they start street fights and sell deadly weapons such as knives. As i mentioned earlier there is 3 groups, Cobra, Death, and Sin. Cobra is for the strongest and powerful members , Death is for the wealthiest and wisest , Sin is the highest rank only for leaders and former leaders. 1st leader was "Boss B" the founder of Tokoku, 2nd was a grade 9 student known for his incredible strength and victyory"s. The 3rd leader was a Grade 5 student he was known as the "Cobra King" for his addiction to Cobra energy drink and for his ability to strongly tangle and choke it's opponent like a cobra.
TORKO GANG PH - Strongest of all the local gangs in benguet.
Torko Gang - TRK13
Tokoku Gang(TKK), most knownly as Torko Gang PH(TRK) made by a filipino student nicknamed as "Boss B" it was discovered at September 13, 2018 in the Philippines, Bahong, La Trinidad, Benguet with 146 members and 3 groups. It is a school gang made by students, TRK is a group of street kids and students mostly located in Benguet, Tomay, Anoding, and Bahong. TRK was a organization where they start street fights and sell deadly weapons. There is 3 groups, FAULT, DEATH ,and SIN. FAULT is for the new members and lower class, DEATH is for the strongest members and middle class , SIN is only for the Leader/Former Leader and high class. 1st leader was "Boss B" the founder of Tokoku, 2nd was a Grade 9 student known for his incredible strength and victyory"s. The 3rd leader was a Grade 5 student he was known as the "Cobra King" for his addiction to Cobra energy drink and for his ability to strongly tangle and choke his opponent like a cobra.4th leader is a grade 8 student known for his wealth and mindset. There are 3 classes of TRK13 Low, Middle, and High. Low class i for the members who sell deadly weapons and is for the newcomers, Middle class is for the strongest and for the members who served for the High class, High class is for the VIP members and Leader/Former Leader. This gang is still alive and still ongoing.
TORKO GANG - Strongest of all the local gangs in benguet.
Code for asking if you are a top or a bottom. Derived from the pH scale in which an acid gives the h+ and the base receives the h+. An answer between 1 and 14 is expected.
1-6: Acid (Top)
7: Neutral (Switch)
8-14 (Bottom)
"What is your pH?"
"I'm a solid 12."
A measure of an establishments "Pretentious Hippie/Hipster Factor."
Their coffee is damn good but I'm not going back, the PH factor is off the scale.
When something can't do the only job they have
What do you mean you can't release the details? Are pulling a Live Nation PH on me?
Short term for Pornhub about a person who mostly watches Pornhub.
"So you're a Redtube kind of dude? "
"Nah, man, I'm a PH guy"