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Rip Phase

Derived from the classic bay slang “Rip” or "Ripper” aka a slutty female. The term “rip phase” describes the period in a girls life in which she is a little loose. She sleeps with multiple dudes over the course of a few months or a year. Almost every girl goes through a “rip phase” at one point in their life. If you know a girl who hasn’t, just wait lol. Originated by the donnis in Berkeley, California.

That girl is hella bad but she's in her rip phase right now so I'm not trying to get too attached.

by YoungKellsBaby February 14, 2016

6👍 2👎

Acquisition phase

The early stages of a relationship whereby one or both parties show only their desirable qualities. They fail to disclose their flaws, true personalities, and true desires in order to be accepted, loved, and taken to the next stage of a relationship.

Once the acquisition phase was over, she wasn't nearly as likable.

by Intuitive One August 23, 2022

Phases of Humor

When you hiccup alot.

Heather: why are you hiccuping so much?
Candice: because my phases of humor are acting up.
Heather: i think you should get that checked out. Sounds Serious.
Candice: i'll set an appointment next week.
(next week...)
Dr. Wenis: what brings you in today?
Candice: i have a terrible case of phases of humor.
Dr. Wenis: oh ok. lets get you to take pregnancy test.
Candice: but i havnt had sex, Doctor.
Dr. Wenis: it is just to check your level of calcium in your blood.
Candice: I drink orange juice everyday.
Dr. Wenis: Your results are back, and they say you have cancer of the cotton surrounding your heart.
Candice: Am i going to Die?
Dr. Wenis: No, but your fish will.
Candice: OH SNAP!!!
(The End)

by The Fishtankers July 6, 2010

Phase 1

When you get horny or feel pretty sexual towards somthing

Hey what are you looking at? Haha Brian Phase 1 bro

by 🧇 king June 10, 2021

Emo phase

I got it when I was four.

Emo phases are everywhere.

by IhopeIdrinkwater May 2, 2022

Chad Phase

That one phase where you just go around and keep on acting like a chad yk? Like wassup my broskis, sideways baseball cap and everything. It’s the chad phase. Or the broski phase. Either works but really, really we all know that if our friend is coming over and saying broski every other second…a chad has taken over. It’s like an emo phase, but chad :)

Jessica: Sarah are you okay? Since when do you say broski…
Tiffany: psssst she’s going through her chad phase, don’t question it.

by urmom-broski May 20, 2022

Gabby Phase

The period of time when your crush doesn't text back after you poured your heart out to her, admitting your love through a multi-paragraph text.

"Has she texted back yet?"
"No, and its been three days."
"Three days? Damn she's in the Gabby phase."

by Blackout1039 November 19, 2016