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A derivative of 'Thinge'
A Pinge is
1.something cute, loveable and possibly small and furry. Often the said item will have eccentric qualities also.
2. A nickname used as a term of affection for a person/object that comes under that description.

A pet or a girlfriend/boyfriend could be described as 'My Pinge'etc.

by Fenella May 11, 2004

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Being hit repeatedly after one responds positively to a request.
Being hit repeatedly.

Tom: Billy, you coming to the party?
Billy: Yes.
Tom: So you sure you coming to the party for sure?
Billy: Yes

Billy pinged Tom until he drew blood.

by shamdawg September 27, 2007

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see pong

by god January 31, 2003

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When nipples are hard and show through your clothes. Also known as 'tweaked.'

I'm cold right now, so I'm ping.

by Riella DeCharten November 29, 2003

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Sending out text messages to potential romantic partners to reassure yourself of their interest in you without any present intention to follow up in real life.

"my tinder date is pinging me every three months or so when he's bored and lonely"

by Kate1080 August 12, 2016

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Or "to ping". When a supposedly straight individual gives off hints that they might actually be gay.

Setting off people's "gaydars".

"He looked straight to me so I went for it, even though my friends kept telling me he was pinging all night."

by BeardBurner May 30, 2017

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the single-finger stroking, with the aim of getting the person's attention, of someone else's prostate gland through the anal oriface.

The only way Mary could get John's attention during a football match on TV was to ping him with her middle finger.

by Mister Sandman October 3, 2009

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